Sacrificium- The Sacrifice Chapter 2

Sep 25, 2014 23:12

Chapter 2

Silence filled the room as only the breathing sounds of the two people sitting on the chair were heard. Changmin waited for Yunho’s respond to his request. “So…” Yunho breaks the silence “Why me?” Yunho avoided Changmin’s intense gaze and took another sip of his wine.

“Well you are the very best hyung and a close only friend of mine…is a royal blood…so yeah…you are the man” said Changmin playfully winked and clucked his tongue yet with hope that Yunho would agree. “Why Human Realm?” Yunho’s voice calmly, yet there’s hint of rejection to Changmin’s proposal.

Changmin paused. Silence once again fills the air, “You have other choices right?” Yunho’s piercing gaze focused on Changmin. “Yeah, I practically personally went there and wrote a specific report about all of them and my supervisor seems not going to be happy to read me writing the same thing again.” Changmin reasoned.

Yunho heaved a sigh. He knows Mr. Bae better than anyone else. He was the reason Yunho ended up in Human Realm four hundred years ago. Mr. Bae is their Dimensional World history teacher, the toughest but also the best teacher in Infernum. Showing odd likings over things coming from different dimensional world especially Human Realms.

“Aish hyung~! Four hundred years passed, you need to move on. You’re making everyone worry about you day and night for four hundred years. Isn’t that enough already? You mourned for too long, do you think your deceased lover will be happy to see you in this state? Keep planting mushrooms over your own head?” Changmin express his frustrations that had been built up for years watching his gloomy hyung. They’re not siblings by blood but to Changmin, Yunho is his brother and a very close friend.

Yunho silenced. He’s not blaming Changmin for his pretty harsh remark since he knows the other has his point. He mourned for too long…but the thought of forgetting his lover is unbearable to him. He doesn’t want to make new memories that would erase his lover from his mind.

“Hyung for me please…” Changmin still pleads to Yunho with sparkling eyes. Yunho thought deeply. For him, returning to the world where his love once lived is painful. But now it’s his little brother wishes to see the human world, he understands Changmin being curious of human world because he haven’t had a chance to see it.

After the First Chaos tragedy, the security on the Gate was tightening. Now only those whom possessed Royal blood have the full access to the Gate meanwhile the noble class would need an approval from the Royal family and accompanied by one of them to monitor their activity.

As for the lower class demons, they are forbidden to cross the Gate because of their vulgarity and lack of self-control. But there are possibilities for them to be summoned through the Gate which even the Royalties could not intervene because of the existence of contract between them and their master, mostly the humans.

After spending his time thinking…Yunho meets back with Changmin’s batting eyelashes. His supportive only friend now begging him to accompany him to his little adventure, he doesn’t mean to disappoint his best friend A.K.A little brother so he reluctantly agreed that he will allow and take Changmin under his responsibility on his adventure to the human world. Changmin cheered and happily took a big bite of the sandwiches after he got Yunho to join him. He doesn’t want to be alone in nowhere without someone to talk to after all.

***************Jaejoong drove his flashy red Polo into the campus and parked it at the parking site next to the buildings where his class is. “Hey! Jae! Nice car!” one of the students greets him with a tap on his shoulder “Thanks!” Jaejoong replied, “Meet you in the class!” the student waved and walked past him entering the building.

“Good morning! My sweet dumpling!” Jaejoong feels a weight on his back.

“Oh, good morning.” Jaejoong drags the other without the need looking back. He knows the “hugger” very well. “Sungmin, walk by yourself please…you’re heavy.” Jaejoong slaps the other’s arm that wrapping his neck are a little too tightly.

But Sungmin pouts in dismay at the mention of his body weight, he slaps the other arm lightly “Jaejoongie, I told you about mentioning my body weight in public. You’re evil…” he whispered while eyes wildly scan at their surroundings. Jaejoong just laughed at his friend and continue to walk to their class.

“Ohh!  Jaejoong-ah, did you know there will be a new transfer student to our University?”

“A transfer student?” Jaejoong raised his eyebrows “He managed to get through that ‘HELL’. He heard that the entrance exams for transfer students were hundred times upgraded level of difficultly. He doesn’t know the reason why they did that but it surely took down a lot of transferee before.

“Yep, not only pass but excel in every paper.” Sungmin add on, and then Jaejoong frowns. “Wait a minute where did you get all these news? And why are you being busybody of this transfer student?” Jaejoong stopped in his track and turned to Sungmin.

“My daddy is one of the boards of directors in this school. Does that ring anything to you?” Sungmin makes a ringing motion while holding his imaginary bell. “Oh…the most important news, he is a hot guy that all girls would die for.” Sungmin dreamingly recalling back the picture that his father gave to have a look at.

Jaejoong smiled and patted on Sungmin’s shoulder “Come on rabbit, we still have class you know.” Jaejoong entered the class. Sungmin hurriedly follows his suits. “Aww~ don’t worry Jaejoongie, you’re still the hottest guy in this campus that most guy would turn gay for.” Sungmin supportively tapped on Jaejoong’s shoulder.

“That’s not true.” Jaejoong whispered grimly while scanning around the class trying to avoid anyone overheard their conversation.

“Nope, it is so damn true that Heechul hyung will stop wearing his stupid pink flowery pants if I lied.” said Sungmin in serious tone.

“Ouch! Think twice Sungminnie before you’re going to make that comment in front of him.” Jaejoong pointed at Sungmin while taking his seat and Sungmin took the one next to him but waves at his friend kind advice.

As soon as they were seated, a guy went to approach them. At a glance of the guy Sungmin could sense that he is aiming for the beauty next to him. He holds his laugh and waits until the guy reached their seat.

“Jae-Jaejoong-sshi, would you spare some of your time…later? There’s something that I wants to talk with you...umm a-after this class if you don’t mind.” The tall and tanned skin guy nearly chocked his words when Jaejoong’s gaze meets his.

“Oh okay after class…where will we meet?” Jaejoong unknowingly bats his long eyelashes. “Umm…right here after class.” The guy nervously answered.

“Noted” Jaejoong threw his dazzling smile making the guy retreats and back to his seat.

Sungmin nudged Jaejoong’s arm. “See? I told you that you’re too hot to be resists.”  Sungmin continues teasing Jaejoong. “Shut up pink bunny! You’re always talking about nonsense.” A huge hand presses on Sungmin’s head.

“Good morning Kangin.” Jaejoong greets the newcomer. Kangin took another seat next to Jaejoong. Sungmin pouts while tidying his messed hair. “I see that someone is interested with you again.” Kangin raised his eyebrows and lips puckered towards certain directions.

“Yeah…” Jaejoong answered sounded like not interested, looking into his book. Kangin and Sungmin glanced at each other. Their friend Jaejoong has been known as the campus beauty, his features could beat any girls easily but at the same time he possessed manly features that beat any man. Beautiful and handsome was never the appropriate adjectives to describe him.

Everyone ran back to their respective seat the moment the lecturer entered the class. The lecturer started with his announcement regarding their next assignment. Then he continued with his lecture. ‘Today’s lecture is about the history of music…” and the lecture goes on and on for two hours.

“Okay class dismiss, remember put your assignments into my pigeon hole by this Friday, the report is on one of your favorite renaissance musicians, marks will be deducted for late submissions, have a nice day” the lecturer walks out of the lecture hall. Jaejoong tidied his notes. He waits for others to evacuate the class.

Jaejoong turns toward Sungmin’s direction when he felt a tap on his shoulder. “Jaejoong, let’s have our lunch before we proceed with our group discussion, my tummy asking for food for hours already? Okay?” said Sungmin with a pout while holding on his stomach.

“Could both of you wait outside for a while, I’ll finish soon.” Jaejoong smiles to his friends while signaling them about the guy that already waiting for him

“Let’s go bunny” Kangin had his arm wrapped around the other shoulder. “Owh okay…” Sungmin reluctantly leaves the hall with Kangin though he planned to eavesdrop on the two.

Seeing Kangin and Sungmin leaves, leaving only him and Jaejoong in the lecture hall, the guy braved himself to approach Jaejoong. “H-hi…” he greets nervously.

“Hi, sorry if I let you wait.” Jaejoong casually replied. “Yes?” asks Jaejoong without wasting more time.

“Huh?” the guy seemed lost. “You said that you have something to talk to me. Did I get it wrong?” Jaejoong tilted his head, making full eye contact with the man.

“Err…Jaejoong” His hand reaches out for Jaejoong’s hand. He slightly squeezed it earning him a confusing look from Jaejoong.

“I like you. Would you be my lover? I’ve been attracted to you since our first encounter. I know that I’m not handsome or rich but I love you with all my heart, could you please give me a chance? Please?” He begged making Jaejoong speechless, he did expect this will turn out to be another confession but not the begging part.

Jaejoong returns the other’s grip on his hand. “I…I’m…”

“What!! You rejected him!!” Sungmin’s voice echoed through the hallways earning him-self some glares from other students. “Shhhh!!! Calm down there’s no need to announce it to the public.” Jaejoong tries to shut his friend down. Sungmin practically bugging him for turning down the other guy confession.

“But Joongie you’re practically turned all the confessions down. Don’t you want a lover? None of them make you feel the sparks?” Sungmin exaggeratedly opens his arm wide. Jaejoong laughed at his friend weird action. “No Sungminnie, none of them made me feel the sparks you talked about.” Jaejoong walks towards the parking space.

“Where do you want to have your lunch?” Jaejoong turned to Sungmin while unlocking his car door. “Oh there’s one new place…” Sungmin keeps blabbing about his new discovery of the new fast food restaurant until they’re parked and enters the premise.

“Welcome to Honey Burgers, May I take your order?”

“Kyuhyun?? What are you doing here?” Jaejoong’s jaw dropped watching his youngest brother standing behind the counter. “Ah! Hyung, I got a part time job here.” Kyuhyun answered, sounded surprised with his brother presence there too. Meanwhile Sungmin and Kangin start to argue on the menu selections.

“Oh I see” said Jaejoong before realizing his bickering friends, Kyuhyun not bothered to ask why. Especially when the two; gorilla and bunny in front of him start pinching on each other, instead of 20 years old he starts to feel that the two is 2 years old in disguise.

Jaejoong rolled his eyes and ordered for them since he knows they’ll not stop anytime soon. “I want three set of extra large triple layer beef burgers, two burgers each set, 3 large soda and 3 large French fries.”  Jaejoong finished in one breath.

Shocked by the amount of food he ordered Kangin and Sungmin’s jaw dropped, they gave Jaejoong an elevator look, from head to toe wondering where all the food went to by looking at Jaejoong’s petite size body with the killer 24inch slim waist.

“What?? Anything you want to add to the orders? I decided the menu because both of you taking forever to choose, if you don’t like it you can give it to me and order something else” said Jaejoong bluntly followed by a shrug of his shoulder.

The two jaws dropped. If there’s anything that still surprises them until now is Jaejoong’s huge appetite plus he seems not getting fat though eating so much.

“What?” Jaejoong raised an eyebrow after sensing his friends’ eyes on him.

“Hehehe, anything will do” said both of them in unison patting each other shoulder.

“Here is your order; the amount is 23,400won. Thank you for coming and enjoy your meal.” Kyuhyun winked at Jaejoong and received the other contented smile.

They picked a table by the window where they could see the sidewalks. Eat their lunch while chatting about random topic mostly about their school lives. After finished their meal, they return to the campus library to search for their material.


The shelves of books are arranged according to serial numbers and the field of study, some of the books have been translated by the National Library but some didn’t, still in its original language. The library grandfather clock strokes at 3.00p.m., the library still empty. There’s no sign of students walking around mostly because the class had started. They started behind the schedule because they keep fooling around until they missed the flow of time. Only three of them with two or three librarian that’s on duty, Sungmin and Kangin surf for online source while Jaejoong searching for books that are related to their studies.

Jaejoong walks around the red spot collections where most of the old and limited edition books are located. He loves the smell of the library especially that distinctive scents from the old books. He scans around with sparks of excitement in his eyes looking scanning at the brown covered books when suddenly an obvious frown formed on his forehead. He caught a glimpse of shadow running in the library yet no footsteps were heard. He scans his surroundings…the ticking sounds of the clock plus eerie quietness...tick…tock…tick…tock…

The air becomes stiff and cold. Having a very bad feeling, Jaejoong fasten his speed, trying to get himself away from the uncomfortable silence. From his behind a hand slowly approaches him and lightly lands a tap on his shoulder. Jaejoong froze in his spot.

Feeling the cold and wet hand, fear sipped into his heart, he fights the urge to turn around and shuts his eyes tightly, hoping that it’s just his imagination. He doesn’t have battle ability like his three siblings. Battling against a demon alone would be too much of burden for him.

“Jaejoong-ah, what are you doing? Did you found something? I searched the net but most of the journal we need are not subscribed by our library, so I send a mail request for the journal but we need to wait for some time before we could have them.” said Kangin while staring at Jaejoong’s paled face. “Jae…joong? Are you okay?” Kangin slightly shook the other shoulder, realizing that his friend’s expression.

“Y-yeah, I-I’m okay. I guess hehehe. The library is quite creepy when alone.” A relieved sigh escaped from his lips. “You’re scared? Scared of what?” Kangin playfully teased him. “I’m not scared!!” Jaejoong reflectively voiced out loud and hit Kangin hard on his arm.

“Shhh~ lower your voice, we’re in the library you know? Aish, did that bunny spreads his violent disease to you?” Kangin rubs his sore arm with a sulking pouts on his lips.

“Sorry, let’s go. Sungmin must be looking for us.”Jaejoong apologized and walk away immediately. All he wants is to leave that bloody place. He walks away hastily leaving Kangin puzzled by his suspicious behavior.

Jaejoong went back to his seat and caught Sungmin playing online UNO. So he thought he should call off for the day as his group members already lost their interest in continuing the group discussion. All Jaejoong wants now is to go back home and rest. They said their good bye and went to separate ways, Sungmin and Kangin are neighbors while Jaejoong lives at next town.

Jaejoong hurriedly walked toward his car while glancing at his watch which pointed at 4.00p.m. He silently cursed as the sun is setting and night is too dangerous for him. But he is stopped by his phone calling ringtone. He clumsily unlocked his car and hopped in and locked the door. He reached for his cell phone and answered the call. “Yeoboseyo, Jaejoong speaking?”

“Of course I know you’re Jaejoong, What for I’m calling you if you’re not?” He heard the familiar squeak of the other person from the phone line. “Oh, Junsu-ah, why are you calling me? I’m already on my way home now.” Jaejoong turns his car engine on for it to heat while he’s on phone.

“Oh I’m just on time then, could you do me a favour? Our refrigerator needs some stocking up here. Could you buy some groceries on your way home? I’ll send you the groceries list later.” said Junsu while rummaging the cupboard for some snacks.

“Oh okay but you need to be hurry up! I can’t wait for too long, it’s getting dark outside here.” said Jaejoong telling the other to be hurry while his eyes looking at the darkening sky. He keeps getting a déjà vu that telling him something is wrong.

“Okay okay…I will send it to you right away.” Junsu quickly ends the phone call. Soon he heard his phone vibrated again, he pushes on the screen and shows the content of the message. He buckled his seat belt up, put the car gear on reverse and reverse his car, drives towards his next destination.


Yunho places the last piece of his clothes inside the cupboard. They have moved to the Human Realm sooner than he thought. It seems Changmin planning to drag him no matter what his answer will be as his luggage were packed immediately after he said “Yes”. Changmin had everything prepared including the place where they will stay and other official documents settled.

He picks up the towels and walks into the bathroom for shower. Then dressed in simple T-shirt and skinny jeans that emphasize his long legs, he walks out from his bedroom, wondering what Changmin’s doing at the moment. He caught a glance at the balcony; the view is totally different from what he remembered. The sea of green trees, small villages and the land topography has change into sky scrapers, big city and flat lands. Now he realized its long time passed since that time. Everything has moved on since then except him.

Suddenly Yunho heard something coming from the kitchen, walking slowly while keeping his stealth mode not to make his opponent alert. He carefully had a peek behind the kitchen and spotted a shadow crouching down digging into their fridge.

“Oho, Changmin gonna be furious if he found out someone digging into his food” Yunho mentally remarked. He was ready to grab on the person and when the person’s face lit up by the light from the fridge. Yunho simply lost his words and all the tensions were thrown out of the window.

“Changmin!, what are you doing? Can’t you switch the light on while you’re digging for food? I thought that you’re a thief or something” Yunho complained with his arm crossed in front of his chest like a mom whom caught her son trying to get his little hand into the cookie jar before dinner.

“hyun…uu wan a bike??” He offers Yunho a bag of chips. Yunho just shook his head and mouthed “No, thank you.” Changmin gulps down everything in the refrigerator in matter of seconds. Young demons usually have huge appetite especially those who possess stronger demonic power. This is due to the large amount of energy that they need during battle. And of course tricky politics among the royalties and lords need them to be prepared in case someone putting a bounty on their head. Being assassinated is not unusual death cause among them.

‘Hyung! Let’s go for some groceries!! I want to see how human world market looked like!!” Changmin exclaimed while sparks of curiosity sparkling in his eyes.

“We just reached here today. Can’t we do the shopping after school tomorrow? Besides we need to report to school early morning. Your class starts by 8.a.m right?” Yunho tiredly rejects his idea.

“B-but what if I get hungry during midnight? Our fridge is empty now.” Changmin threw a sad look at him. Sighed, Yunho agreed to the younger one request. He doesn’t want his sleep to be interrupted by someone’s hungry stomach.

“I’ll drive but not paying for the food.” Yunho informs him first. “Stingy” Changmin pouts.

Upon arriving at the supermarket, as what Yunho have expected, Changmin dashed into the Hypermarket without waiting for him to lock the car.

“Hyung! Hurry!” Changmin drags Yunho through the sea of people busy buying groceries preparing for dinner. “Changminnie! Don’t drag me! Ugh!! Sorry! Excuse me ma’m! Sorry!” Yunho apologizes along the way after bumping at one person after another.

On the other hand, Jaejoong squeezed himself through the sea of people getting their hand on the discounted ingredients of the day. “Ooohh!! 500won only for beef!? The eggs are cheap too!” Jaejoong joined in grabbing two carton of egg and three pack of thinly sliced meat.

“Let’s see, ermm…meat, eggs, milk, sugar, cereals…and fruits!” Jaejoong speaks to himself while checking his list. He walks towards the fruit section and get the last item on his list before proceeding to the payment counter.

Walking out of the hypermarket, he realized that the day already dark. The jam had taken most of his time. By the time he realized it’s nearly 7.p.m.

“Argghh!! 7p.m!? I need to hurry.” Jaejoong walked to the car park, bringing the large bags of groceries.

His car was parked quite far from the building because its climax time, where the school kids and people are back from works and schools. With limited parking space, he had no choice but to park far from the hypermarket. But now he regrets his decision.

Walking faster than his usual speed, he rushed to his car and places his bags in the passenger seat. When he was about to close door, suddenly the same aura that he felt in the library fills the air, Jaejoong’s eyes wildly scan his surroundings. Slowly but steadily, he walks to the driver seat and hurriedly opens the car door.

His hands shivered while trying to ignite his car engines. He locked the door and turned on the light. When he suddenly spot a little boy standing in front of his car, sobbing. “Umma~!” the boy repeatedly calls his mom in between his cries. “Umma~!”

“Don’t be tricked Jaejoong, they could disguise as kids. You couldn’t fight them alone.” Jaejoong murmured to himself. The boy cries becomes more sorrowful by time. He couldn’t just drive away because the boy is standing in his way. Being pulled between feeling of sympathy and fear, Jaejoong made his final decision to approach the boy.

He stepped out from his car- totally forgotten that it is night of full moon. When the moon shines at its fullest, it’s the night where magic will be the most powerful. It’s also the night when the demon actively hunts its prey.

The existence of demon might sound ridiculous to those whom never saw it. But to Jaejoong, they are part of his world, some kind of family business which he unwillingly inherits. He wished that he could be one of the people who laughed if someone said demon is exists. But he couldn’t do so as it would mean death if he didn’t take the matter seriously.

“Heechul hyung definitely gonna kill me…” Jaejoong whispered and approaches the boy. The boy continuously cries, ignoring Jaejoong.


“Changminnie, you bought too much.” Yunho complains while staring at the full trolley. “B-but I want to try them all…” said Changmin. They still wait in line to pay for the goods while absolutely oblivious of the fact that their appearance attracting all the ladies attention. Their tall built, broad shoulder, sun-kissed skin and handsome look stood out among the people.

“I know you want to try them all but it’s not like that we going home next week. We will spend a long time here and you can slowly taste them all.” Yunho continues. Before Changmin could defend himself, his and Yunho’s eyes slits, sensing another demonic presence aside them.

“You stay, I will go…” Yunho immediately sets off after finished his sentences without giving Changmin a chance to reply. “Owh-kay, be careful…” Changmin said to no one.


“Hey, where’s your umma?” gently Jaejoong asks the boy while squatting beside him. He reaches out his hand, pulling the boy’s wrist stopping him from continuously rubbing his eyes. “Let’s find your umma, okay? Do you still remember what colour she wears today?” The boy silently shook his head.

Sighed, he starts to scans his surrounding, looking for someone that might be looking for their child. While Jaejoong still immersed in his thought, the boy suddenly ran towards the directions where huge containers were located. He followed the boy into the maze without much thought.

“Hey! Kiddo!!” Jaejoong continuously scans his surrounding of the maze of large containers. Upon spotting the full moon, Jaejoong’s eyes widen. “Shit!” he cursed. He quickly looks for his exits. “It’s trap!” He tried to run away from the maze but fail to find his exit.

Feeling the murderous chill from his back, he ran to distance himself. Chanting a spell to wield a shield around him, he turns to face his opponent. But he instantly regret of doing so when he spots a huge green demon in hippo sized body with rotting human faced like skin on its back,  ears of a pigs, dripping green corrosive saliva and mucus from orifices around its body.

Jaejoong covers his mouth while holding his breath. Waiting for the demon to sprint towards him, but it didn’t. Instead it continues rooted at its place, grunting. Bringing out his courage, Jaejoong took a little stone and threw it against the container. The demon reacted by ramming its head towards the direction of the sound which confirms Jaejoong’s suspicion. It reacts to noise.

Silently he dismisses his shield and slowly reversed walking away from the demon without making any sound that would trigger an attack. His steps were stopped when he bumped onto something behind him. He slowly turns his back while hoping that is not something  he had in mind.

Gulping his saliva, he took a deep breath while tightly shuts his eyes. “Be brave, Jaejoong. You can do this.” He chanted to himself. Opening his eyes, he met with the boy again, standing behind him silently while lowering his head.

Suspicion growing in Jaejoong’s heart, the kid doesn’t seem right to him. He extends his hand to the child when suddenly loud shrieks echoed among the huge containers. Jaejoong covers his ears but he keeps his eyes open though the loud shrieks are killing him. One wrong step it will be doom for him.
The child’s body slowly turning green, a basketball sized bald head, glowing pupil less red eyes and body frame of an infant. The small demon jumped towards Jaejoong and sank its long sharp teeth into his left limb.

Jaejoong winced and harshly pushed the little demon away. Meanwhile the bigger demon starts to react with the pungent smells of blood. It continuously grunts as an eerie high pitched shriek appeared simultaneously with dozens of wildly moving eyes balls on its body. Movement of the eye balls stops when all of them met Jaejoong’s eyes.

Trapped and injured, Jaejoong starts to panicked. He scans his surrounding looking for a way out. He ran dragging his immobilized left limb, not caring of the amount of blood oozing from his wound. He tripped when he starts feeling dizzy. “Shit!! The bite, it’s poisonous.” Jaejoong cursed.
He tries to pull himself up when the bigger demon dash towards him. Jaejoong shocked and froze in his place, helplessly watching the big demon running towards him to give him its lethal blow.

It was in a split of time when a large black sword suddenly fallen onto the beast cutting it into half as blood spurts like a greenish fountain. The demon helplessly fell onto the ground with its upper body completely separated from its lower part. A tall man then jumped down from the three meter high container with ease. Walking a distance before pulling his sword out from the ground, he walks toward the smaller demon that starts to shriek in fear, trying to run away from the man. Mercilessly, he turns his blade and thrust through the back of the frightened demon.

He swayed the blade, discarding excess blood from it before it disappeared from his grasp. “Are you okay?” he turns to Jaejoong. Upon hearing the man’s concerned tone. Jaejoong relaxed him-self and slowly losing his consciousness.


Yunho rushed to the unconscious man’s side. The two demons that he just killed obviously lost their sanity as they were overpowered by hunger for blood. Sensing the pungent smell of blood emitted from the person, Yunho scans his body for wound before spotting the drenched trousers.

Carefully he took the person in his arm and jump to the top of container again to have better look at the person’s condition. The moment he laid his eyes on the person, Yunho’s eyes widened in horror and astonishment. His lips quivered and his voice caught in his throat numerous times before he could properly pronounce the name of his most precious one.


==========To Be Continued==========

A/N : The long waited Chapter 2 up...un-betaed ver. 

yunjae fanfics, type:yaoi, fic: sacrificium~the sacrifice~, genre:supernatural

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