(no subject)

Sep 01, 2005 21:15

WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS COUNTRY!? I can't even understand how come there is such lack of preparation in assisting the Hurricane Katrina victims. I see sooo incredibly clearer now the signs of Jesus presence. That we in fact are in the last days. And I cant wait to preach this weekend because I am busting out with that Awake magazine about the Natural Disasters. The United States of America is embarrassing themselves completely. They make a huge deal about helping out "developing countries" and something that they were already aware was going to happen because uh the Weather Channel was pretty on target in telling ya'll yea there is gonna be like a lot of rain coming. The warning was still not enough to get you to have some stations ready for evacuation with security, medical supplies and food for people in the area. What joke are you possibly playing? There is a convention center with like 2,000 people who are causing straight up chaos. Girls getting raped. Tourists beaten up. People dying and reporters trying to take snapshots of them... tv reporters are getting on my LAST nerve too. They will be on tv complaining that there is no help for them and yadayaadaaa.. the reporters had a way to get there on their helicopter, how come they didnt come with some supplies for people. Grr... it irritates me. Fox News makes me want to throw up. And when they show looters how come they only show Black people stealing?!

I read this in an article on MSN.com

“I don’t treat my dog like that,” 47-year-old Daniel Edwards said as he pointed at the woman in the wheelchair. “I buried my dog.” He added: “You can do everything for other countries, but you can’t do nothing for your own people. You can go overseas with the military, but you can’t get them down here.”

And who the heck are these people shooting at the helicopters that arrive to help!?! What hillbilly is busting out guns!!? And even if they bust out with guns ummm... shouldnt the military be prepared for those moments.. dont they raid other countries' privacy like nobody's business... It just truly angers me to see the situation. And yes I am fully aware this the only beginning. The Awake magazine had said that the global climate changes are going to cause more devastation to the world. I need to get my bike fixed to use my car less. I need to start walking to my bible studies' houses. Going Dominincan Republic style up here... use my feet!!! I do not want to contribute more to the pollution either. Car drivers conserve your gas cause the price is only going to increase in the coming months. Straight up almost give me a heart attack when I saw the Shell station prices near my house... >_<

I thought Rhode Island was bad.... Atlanta has it HORRIBLE!!!

Bien sé yo, oh Jehová, que al hombre terrestre no le pertenece su camino. No pertenece al hombre que está andando siquiera dirigir su paso. Jeremias 10:23

"Y en los días de aquellos reyes el Dios del cielo establecerá un reino que nunca será reducido a ruinas. Y el reino mismo no será pasado a ningún otro pueblo. Triturará y pondrá fin a todos estos reinos, y él mismo subsistirá hasta tiempos indefinidos; puesto que contemplaste que de la montaña una piedra fue cortada, no por manos, y [que] trituró el hierro, el cobre, el barro moldeado, la plata y el oro. El magnífico Dios mismo ha hecho saber al rey lo que ha de ocurrir después de esto. Y el sueño es confiable, y la interpretación de él es digna de confianza". Daniel 2:44,45

"Porque, ¡miren!, voy a crear nuevos cielos y una nueva tierra; y las cosas anteriores no serán recordadas, ni subirán al corazón. Pero alborócense y estén gozosos para siempre en lo que voy a crear. Porque, ¡miren!, voy a crear a Jerusalén una causa para gozo y a su pueblo una causa para alborozo. Y ciertamente estaré gozoso en Jerusalén y me alborozaré en mi pueblo; y ya no se oirá más en ella el sonido de llanto ni el sonido de un lastimero clamor".Isaias 65:22

Puesto que todas estas cosas así han de ser disueltas, ¡qué clase de personas deben ser ustedes en actos santos de conducta y hechos de devoción piadosa, esperando y teniendo muy presente la presencia del día de Jehová, por el cual [los] cielos, estando encendidos, serán disueltos, y [los] elementos, estando intensamente calientes, se derretirán! Pero hay nuevos cielos y una nueva tierra que esperamos según su promesa, y en estos la justicia habrá de morar. 2 Pedro 3:11-13

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