"i dont remember the kids name!! i was drunk too!!"

Jun 12, 2004 00:32


i am soo hyper.

my night was quite the hysterical one.

mhm, it was.

right after i finished my "i want to become a hermit" entry, gemma called and asked if i wanted to go to the carnival with ehr and liz, then told me she was outside my house. haha. so i went.

liz is realy funy, iv never eraly talked to her before. she almost got run over walking across the street to the carnival. it was  actualy kindav funny, only because she didnt egt run over though.

anywho we went to the carnival. I saw brittany! i love that girl! i will so miis her this usmmer, i am writing her ever single day mhm yes i am. (shes gona be a camp counsler)anywho we were walking around just looking for peopel that we thought were probably there. we were walking for a prety long time before everyone that we wanted to find was off our list. even though i didnt find tom :(.

so then we were thinking of who we could bother and they thought of these kidliz dated last year and he lived like 3 blocks from the carnival and was apernatly the bigest asshole in life. so to see if he was home i called him up and was just like "scot?" him "yea" me-"hey watsup" then i hung up. and then we went to gemmas car and drove to this kids house. they pointed the hosue out and before i got out we devised this plan.  I was gonna go up to the house and be like "hey, watsup" and then ask him if he remembers me than start fliping on him because he didnt remember me, and then something about 2 days, and i was 3 months pergnant with his child.

So i went up knocked on the door and he opened it and again i was just like
me-"hey watsup?"
 him-(looking realy confused, um nothing?)
me- "do you remember me?"
 him-"umm am i soposed to?"
me-(this is where i started to get emotional)"wait? you dont remember me?? i cant beleive this"

and then i told him to come outside because i needed to tell him something, it was realy fuinny i dont even remember what i was saying but i was coming up with the weirdest things to say. I kept laughing but hiding it by pretending i was kindav crying.

gemma and liz were gonna be behind the bushes but we decided that would not be smart cause then hed know what was going on.

The whole time he was cursing and was liek "what the fuck? someones messing with my mind, this cant be right, somethings not right about this" i almost messedup because it was so hard to not laugh. then his dog was barking alot so he had to got let him out and he said hed be right back but when he went inside i heard gemma start her car so i ran to her car.

then we were driving around and got the idea to call him again, he wasnt answering so we kept calling and calling and finaly at the 5th time i left him a mesage, the whole time i was laughing but i think i puled it off like iw as crying. It was so retardly funny.

Then we were driving back to his house and a block away from the carnival we passed this dude and i was like "wait thats him!" so we kept driving, parked and went to the carnival. The whole time we were scaning for this kdi cause if we saw him liz and gemma had to go away because he knew them.

Anyway i was scaning and scaning and then i saw that sophmore boy i kindav liked and i got distracted for a second. during that second i see gemma and liz run in oposite directions and i was just standind there like but i was to busy looking at mike to actualy notice. So aparantly he passed us but we didnt know if he saw us. so we went in the oposite direction that he went. wich lucky for me ment i had to pass mike, i stoped and said hi and stuff but then i was liek well i gota go cause were avoiding people. i think i realy scare that kid.

So we turn back around and go to the i guess you could calll it "game lot area" where we ran into gemmas freind (and is being deuschy and confusing, guys aer stupid! why cant they just have one definite feeling!!) whos with this other dude and they both knwo scott. we told them the story and all the sudden i see liz bolt and gemmas friends friend started yelling scotts name. i was laughing to hard i missed the kid again. and then like 5 minutes later i see liz bolt again and gemma hide her face in her friend and iw as just standing there like a dumbass not seeing him again.

finaly as we were leaving we aparently passed him which made us start runing, but again i wasnt paying atention so i totaly mised him. haha

yea so that was my odd yet completly crazy night. yes im immature and its great. its super haveing balls to do shit like that cause when you do its so much fun.
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