Oh damn, I'm skinny in those pictures! I'm like a size 6! Thanks! That party was funner than the sponge bath I gave my neighbor, old Mr. Abner! I gotta get cracking on spurting out some pictures.
o.k. well, it was fun to be there and finally MEET class_and_sass in person. And I'm starting to realize how much senornacho loves to drink. he never puts down the damn glass. o.k. o.k. so, you knew that graey42 and I were itching to sit on Santa's lap, but you know, nothing could compare to having elvesoncrack sitting on mine. I mean, I must have told her I'd buy her all the Easy-Bake Ovens and Strawberry Shortcake figurines she wanted. Or was that Hello Kitty? Hmmmm..... I think someone ELSE here is the Hello Kitty expert. At any rate, it's always great just getting toasted and bonding w elvesoncrack or any of the rest of my ladiesofleisure family. Oh my, lucky us, loither is now on lj, or I just noticed. But you know, I didn't get to talk to him too much that night, as he was always trying so hard to just be Jesus or Santa. I mean, I couldn't just have a normal chat w that guy. He was super busy and tres popular. Oh well, I can go check out his journal. Hey, as far as ms_pooka being a virgin. Hey! I think virgins are sheik. Go virgins! Well, I need to go now. I had a blast, and look forward to further parties! Woo!
Comments 4
hey now! i am a virgin and there's no reason to make fun of me just because my name's not Mary.
as you can see in the one photo, i was still in that phase of growing out my leg hair. it's all smoother days now.
i haven't finished my roll of film yet.
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