Last weekend while sitting at my stall in the Art and CRaft fair in the market I heard what sounded like people tapdancing. Now Newport is not a place that you could call the cutting edge of culture so it wasn't too surprising to hear this sound although it was ... unusual. I peered over the rail of the gallery (posh name for the upstairs bit) and
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I am sitting in front of my puter replete with Tuna and pasta followed by two small squares of Green & Blacks almond chocolate and wondering if having all my funrishings and books stacked up in the front room is some sort of magnet. WE have had more people visit us since the leaky pipe killed my carpet than we have had for years. Oh, just had one
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Although it is true that I have been considered lunatic on many occasions in the last five hundred years, it must be stated, at the very beginning of this sad and extraordinary tale, that I have been most grievously misunderstood....
I have now had four books mooched off me on bookmooch! For some reason I find this really exciting. Does this mean that my life is so dull and humdrum that someone requesting a book from me causes such great excitement? I think it is because I am getting my old love of life back. I wasn't aware that I had lost it, not really. I keep telling Mr M
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Does anyone else have withdrawal symptoms because they are not getting mail? I sympathise with the postal workers. I would be very angry if the head honcho of where I worked was earning millions and I couldn't afford my home without a second job. On the other side of the coin there are people like me who love to get letters, even junk mail. I have
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We played Munchkin, we talked, drank lots of tea, talked ate, went out for a meal, talked and played munchkin for a whole weekend and it was WONDERFUL
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