Adar is Almost Here! Purim_Gifts Dear Author Letter

Jan 31, 2013 22:37

It's almost that time of year again...when us Jews are commanded to get drunk and revel in thwarting the plans of a genocidal maniac. No wonder our joy is increased! And thanks to purimgifts,  fandom gets extra joyful too! My Dear Author Letter is below the cut.

Dear Author,

Chag Sameach! (almost) Thank you so much for the mishloach manot!

Here’s a few guidelines about what I like/dislike and what I’m hoping you’ll create.

I am pretty low key as far as fandom goes, so there’s not much you could write that I wouldn’t love.   The only thing that truly squick me are non con, dub con, and domestic violence.

I enjoy genfic and relationship fic equally. I’m big on non-heteronormativity, so that could be slash pairings, femmeslash pairings or het pairings that are a little gender-bendy.  Also I’m kind of in love with the idea of queer-platonic-life-partners. Threesomes are fine.

Generally I am an omnivorous shipper, especially in the HP fandom. The only pairing I really don’t like is Mycroft/Lestrade in the BBC Sherlock fandom.

If you write a queer Jo March (Little Women) I will probably love you forever.  This also goes for Jonathon/David (Tanakh, the Hebrew Bible) or Inara from Firefly as Jewish.  Same applies for Dr. Sidney Freedman (M*A*S*H*). If you add in Hurt/Comfort I might actually explode with joy.

I am Jewish and am very interested in seeing characters explore their Judaism (whether that’s faith or ritual observance, history or ethno-racial category/identity) and will happily accept any “AU” in which you choose to make a canonically non-Jewish character Jewish. And Jewish Heroines? What more could a feminist yiddishe fangirl ask for?

A note on Evil Viziers: There are some fandoms in which I’d rather not see an evil vizier story.  For example, Lord of the Rings was racist enough, especially  against “Easterners” that the idea of layering that world with even more explicitly racialized bad guys seems yucky.  In the Purim story both the Haman, the Evil Vizier and Esther and Mordechai (heroine and hero) are Persian.

L’Simcha (with joy),

purim gifts, dear author

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