[Voice Post]
...The atmosphere here...is horrible...
Stay home. It...It isn't safe around the village right now. I heard about Riku-san's condition but just promise me you won't be an idiot and catch something because you want to play doctor...I don't want to lose you to some stupid experiment...
Heard you weren't feeling too hot...I'm not very good with remedies but I'll send something over with Dai-chan if I find something...'Til then, I'll just send my love~♥.
How are things going for you? There's been a lot of buzz around you and your family lately...and I'm not liking everything I hear...
((Strikes unhackable. Dark's got a bit of a headache and is getting bad vibes from everything that's been happening lately. He's not sick not really but if he does get anything, it'd be a very mild version of the non-lethal strain. I don't want to kill him off yet... Lulu!Mun~. No worries about Dark finding out about Lulu's evil connections yet~. Still a ways to go...))