Tell me where we go from here 7/?

Jan 23, 2015 15:23

Chapter 7

Sam could have died. While Dean had been playing around with the sword Sam could have died.

Dean clenched his fists, anger vibrated through his body and he felt the urge to punch somebody. He knew that was the Mark talking, partly, but that didn't change the fact that he had screwed up, again, and that Sam could have died, again, and that punching somebody in the face right now would make him feel better.

Dean stood outside Sam's door for a few minutes and couldn't bring himself to really leave his brother. Because he didn't want to leave Sam alone, because he needed to make sure that he was fine, those would have been his answers if somebody would have asked and they would have been true. Also true was that he wasn't sure where he would go once he had forced himself to move.
Everything was quiet and Sam was probably asleep by now and Dean should really go back to his own room. Or to a bar for a beer and a brawl.

"How is he?" Suddenly Cas stood next to him, question asked in a low tone to not disturb Sam.

"He's fine." Dean set his jaw and started walking towards their room.

Sam had said he was fine. He looked fine. As fine as he could look with a baboon's ass for a face and, damn, Dean should have thought of taking pictures.

Cas followed him back to their room and not long after that they lay in bed next to each other but Dean couldn't stop thinking. Or even unclench his fists.

The moment that thing had gone for Sam replayed in his mind over and over again. He heard Sam's screams while that misty foggy thing tried to eat off his face.

His own frantic search for the locket, his panic when he couldn't find it. Dean closed his eyes and let out a hitched breath.

"I could go over and heal him." Cas broke the silence. Looked like Dean wasn't the only one who couldn't sleep.

"He's fine." Dean repeated. If he said it often enough, maybe he would believe it in the end. "Thanks to you, Cas."

If Cas hadn't been there … Dean didn't want to think about it.

There was movement next to him when Cas rolled to his side, facing him now, and then he laid his hand gently on Dean's chest.

He didn't say anything. He was just there, warm against Dean's side, and that alone was enough to loosen that knot in Dean's stomach.

"Sam is fine." Cas said it as if it was some kind of mantra. He started stroking Dean's chest in firm circles and now Dean was suddenly very aware of the fact how close they were. Cas' thumb brushed over his nipple. Dean sucked in a breath, feeling the flesh pebble under Cas' touch.

Next to him Cas shifted and not only physically. Dean could almost feel him making up his mind. The hand went from circles on his chest to strokes up and down his front, each time going downwards a little farther.

"Cas?" Dean asked and didn't move, curious what the angel was up to. By now his hand had disappeared under the covers and he felt it warm on his skin between the waistband of his briefs and the ridden up t-shirt.

"Relax." Cas' voice was husky in his ear, sending shivers through Dean's body which went straight to his dick. Which was very close to Cas' hand.

Then his fingers dipped underneath the waistband and Dean felt them brush ever so lightly over his already half-hard cock.

"Cas, you don't have to …" Dean felt the need to say but then Cas closed his hand around him and Dean lost that train of thoughts.

"I want to." Cas placed a kiss behind Dean's ear, right on that soft spot, and then trailed along his jawline until their mouths met in a tender kiss.

This was clearly the first handjob Cas had ever given, he alternated between too rough and almost nothing without any finesse in his strokes.

It was the best handjob Dean had in his life because, hey, Cas' hand on his dick, he could almost come from that thought alone.

His nails dug into Cas' shoulder when he threw his head back and arched with his whole body into the tunnel of Cas' fist. His orgasm ripped through him in shock-waves and ropes and ropes of come splashed over Cas' hand and Dean's stomach. It felt like he was coming for hours.

"Damn, that was good." Panting he just lay there, catching his breath.

"You're welcome." Cas cleaned his hand with a tissue and then settled next to him, hand once again on Dean's chest.

Wrung out and bone deep tired Dean drifted off to sleep.

He woke up late the next morning. Hiding from the offending sun he snuggled deeper under the covers for just five minutes longer before he had to leave the comfy warmth of the bed. Blindly he reached over to Cas, just to make sure that he really was there and it wasn't just a dream, but his searching hand only found Cas' side of the bed cold and empty.

Instantly wide awake Dean bolted upright. Cas was nowhere in sight and the bathroom door was open wide enough to confirm that there was no angel in there either.

"Cas?" Dean asked nevertheless but of course didn't get an answer. Uneasiness settled in the pit of his stomach and on some level he was sure that Cas was gone for good. He knew that wasn't the case, he was probably over at Sam's room or out to get them breakfast but Dean could not shake off the feeling that Cas would leave him rather sooner than later and that maybe today was the day.

He and Cas were fine, at least judging by the awesome handjob Cas had given him last night, Dean reminded himself and rolled out of bed and went for a shower. The hot water cleared his mind and loosened his muscles and only then he realized that he had left Cas hanging, or in this case standing.

"Way to go, Dean." He muttered under his breath and turned his face into the spray. He probably should find a way to make it up to him. As soon as he'd found out where his stray angel was. Dean was struggling with his jeans when his phone rang.

"Sam?" He answered in a haste when he saw the caller ID.

"Morning." Sam greeted him but he didn't sound cheerful. "Cas brought breakfast, come over." And with that he hung up. Dean stared at his phone for a second, repeating Sam's words in his mind. They solved the mystery of the lost angel but what worried him more was the fact that Sam hadn't sounded right. As if he had been talking through his teeth. Dean took the bottle with their good pills out of the first aid kit before he left his room.

When he entered Sam's room he found his brother sitting on the bed, a cup of coffee in his hand, and Cas at the table with more coffee and bags of food.

For a ridiculous second he wondered where Cas had gotten the money to buy them breakfast but then Cas greeted him with a warm smile and everything else was forgotten.

The way Sam tried to not smile at that told him how utterly in love he must act but for now his little brother could just go and screw himself.

"Thanks, Cas." Dean accepted a cup and took a seat. He breathed in the rich aroma of the coffee before he took a sip and when it ran down his throat he leaned back in his chair with a sigh.

That's how you start a morning, he thought.

"How's your face?" He asked over the rim of the cup, a searching eye on Sam.

"Better." Sam answered and did his best to not open his mouth for that. "As long as I don't talk too much."

His face was still puffy red and irritated, his eyes almost swollen shut but he didn't seem to have problems breathing.

"Here, take one of these." Dean fished the bottle out of his pocket and the way Sam didn't protest and just swallowed one pill was telling him enough.

"We should stay here for the day and drive back home tomorrow." He suggested. Most of all Sam needed rest and he couldn't get that when he was cramped up in the car all day.

"I'd rather go back now." Sam said, of course he'd say that. "It's not too bad and once the pill kicks in ..." He shrugged.

"You sure?" Dean asked and wasn't quite convinced that this was a good idea. "Have you looked in the mirror lately? We're not close enough to Halloween to let you out like this in public." He joked but underneath he was worried. Sam looked better but in the harsh light of the morning sun there was no hiding the ugly truth.

Without a word Sam reached for something behind him on the bed. He put on a base cap and sunglasses, then he pulled up the hood of his hoodie.

"Now you look like a celebrity going out incognito." Dean commented. "Or like a pervert."

Sam showed him the finger before he got back to his coffee. Small sips, that won't stretch his lips too far, and as far as Dean could tell Sam hadn't eaten something solid yet and he didn't show any intention to do so.

Dean made a mental not to get him a smoothie or something else cool with some calories in it at the next gas station. His throat was probably as sore as his face.

"Okay." Dean finally agreed to the idea. This motel was nothing he would miss and he was looking forward to his own bed back in the bunker and if Sam said he was up for the ride back, he had to believe him.

Half an hour later they were in the car. Cas rode shotgun and Sam huddled up in the backseat. By now the pill had kicked in, making him dozy, and Dean wasn't surprised when he had drifted off to sleep before they had left town.

At the next gas station he went to get Sam smoothies, juice and soft snacks he should be able to chew and swallow without farther irritating his throat. Cas stayed in the car, keeping an eye on Sam, and didn't say a word about the little detour.

Sam woke up an hour later and actually took one of the smoothies Cas handed him before he made himself comfortable again and drifted back to sleep. Dean drove as smoothly as possible to not jostle Sam around more than necessary but he still made good time. He wanted Sam back home and stretched out in his bed as soon as possible.

Back at the bunker Sam went straight for his room but accepted the ice bag Dean brought him a moment later with a little smile. By then the irritation wasn't that angry red anymore and he could look Dean in the eye, more or less. His eyes were still swollen and Dean considered dubbing him Rocky for the time being.

However, he looked well enough for Dean to stop worrying. In the back of his mind he had wanted Cas to just work his magic but with his grace burning out he didn't want him to waste it on something that would heal on its own just fine either. However, it always felt wrong when he saw Sam in pain.

"Rest." Dean said and turned towards the door. "I'll get you when dinner is ready."

Chapter 8

bunker, dean/cas, dean winchester, au, castiel, destiel, sam winchester, 10x03, season 10

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