Tutorial #3

May 07, 2006 23:55

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Created in Photoshop Elements 4.0
Image heavy!

  • Tutorial #3 - Pearl Harbor
1. Take this picture of Kate Beckinsale in Pearl Harbor and sharpen it twice.

2. Crop to 100 x 100.

3. Duplicate and set to Multiply 100% opacity.

4. Duplicate twice and set both to Screen 100% opacity.

5. Duplicate top Screen layer and set to Soft Light 100% opacity.

6. Fill layer with #0092E0 and set to Overlay 60% opacity.
Erase any blue colouring on Kate's face and body.


7. Fill layer with #090724 and set to Exclusion 100% opacity.


8. Fill layer with #F9DECA and set to Soft Light 50% opacity.


9. Duplicate base and drag to top. Completely desaturate and set to Soft Light 50% opacity.

10. Paste this light texture by colorfilter and set to Soft Light 100% opacity.
Rotate texture to the right 90 degrees and flip vertically. Erase anything lingering on Kate's face.


11. Paste this light texture by colorfilter and set to Screen 25% opacity. Flip texture horizontally.


12. Flatten image. Duplicate layer and set to Soft Light 100% opacity. Desaturate to -10.

13. Paste this mask by fangirls_inc and set to Screen 100% opacity.
Erase any dots on Kate's face & hair.


Voila, we're done!

The textures I added were subtle, but really came alive once I did step #12.
Play around with textures and colours until you like what you see. I experimented with a lot of textures and opacities before settling on these.

Hope you enjoyed the tut. Comments are ♥... thanx!
Cross-posted at elementheads & icon_tutorial

pearl harbor, tutorials, kate beckinsale, tutorial #3

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