The promised requested drabbles for
X-Men; Scott, mourning Jean, flowers (100 words):
It's spring.
The tulips have pushed their way through thawing soil and bloomed. The bushes are fuller, and the grass is greener. Infant buds adorn branches; new signs of life appear daily.
Scott sees this. He notices the warmer air, the rain in place of snow, the lengthening of days. He is unmoved.
It's spring, but it isn't summer. The ground stubbornly refuses to thaw completely, despite the persistent sun and rising temperatures. Scott feels rather like the frozen permafrost, deep below. He wonders when he will thaw; he wonders if he even wants to.
Spring reminds him of Jean.
Since you said "any of them," I thought I'd try writing about a Hufflepuff other than Cedric.
I chose Susan Bones, but as you'll see, he wouldn't stay out of it.
HP; Hufflepuffs, any of them, near water (100 words):
Susan sits on the grass, hoping to read her Transfiguration assignment in peace. "Peace," in her plans, did not include Ernie and Hannah sitting two feet away, complaining about Prefect duties.
Susan looks out over the lake. The sun catches the water just right--she thinks of Cedric.
She thinks of his grin, and his laugh. She thinks of how ready he was with advice, and how she struggles in Transfiguration without his patient help. She wonders if Ernie and Hannah remember that he never complained about Prefect duties.
Susan wonders if he ever wanted to, sometimes. She'll never know.
arnica's, which will not be a drabble, and
minisinoo's, which... also may not be a drabble. ;) But those may wait until after bed, Spring Fling and other weekend plans. We shall see.