Geez… It hasn’t even been that long and my old list is rather outdated. At least there hasn’t been another great exodus like the last time. Just a whole lot of magic floating around. Still, I don’t like having outdated information.
1) This place is called the City. It’s been called other things, but everyone pretty much just calls it the City. No, it doesn’t have any other official kind of name. The ones in charge didn’t want to bother or couldn’t think of anything appropriate enough.
2) The ones in charge are a group of four ‘deities’ as we like to call them. They’re not really deities, but they can do pretty much anything to anyone in here and they seem to know what’s going on, so might as well consider them to be deities well enough.
3) Yes it is possible to talk to them, ask them questions, and make a deal with them, though I’d highly advise against it. Most of the time, you’d come out the loser of that deal. But who knows, maybe you’ll get lucky.
4) There’s also Dorian, who will also make a trade with you. The catch is that she only deals in memories. And not the ones that you would like to give up. She tends to take the memories of the things you love, cherish, care for, etc. If you still want to talk to her, she’s usually found somewhere by the fountains. [Edit] Since the writing of this list, Dorian has kicked the bucket, so it's not important to talk about her anymore.
5) It’s possible to use the fountains to either contact your own world, though briefly, or view those memories you rather not be reminded of. The things that you want to forget and the things that give you nightmares, or the things you regret or hate. Those are the things the fountains show when you look into them.
6) It’s going to become really apparent, but there are people here from all different worlds and timelines. You could meet someone that you knew from home that knows of things you were only planning before or vise versa. In the same way, you could meet someone who doesn’t even know of where your home is, or they’ve heard of it but it’s got a completely different kind of history. Example, anyone ever heard of Midgar? No? Maybe Wutai then? No to that one too? How about the Gold Saucer? Didn’t think so. If you have, then hey! And you’re screwed now buddy.
7) Because there are people from all different kind of worlds and universes, there are going to be people of all kinds. Humans, angels, ninjas, demons, gods, vampires, death gods, arrancar, cat-people, empaths, psychics, talking animals, robots, androids, etc. Some people have powers or skills (magic being the easiest example of that one) that are considered perfectly normal where they come from, but none where else. You’re going to run into a lot of different kinds of people, both living and non.
8) Yes, you did hear that right. Living and non. The dead don’t exactly stay dead around here. It doesn’t mean that you can’t die though. If you die in the City, you stay dead for about 24 hours and then are revived in a way. You talk, walk, breath (but don’t really need to), and do all that fun stuff. But the dead don’t have a heartbeat, are colder to the touch, don’t have a pulse, and your senses get dulled. It might not sound like much, but death still is something to be avoided. If nothing else, then because the dead cannot leave.
9) Leaving this place is extremely hard. It’s not impossible, but it’s not exactly the easiest thing to do either. But that only applies to the living. The living can get out, but the dead can’t. You’re trapped here, though I’ve got my own opinions on that matter. There was a brief period a while back where leaving was the simplest thing that you could think of, but that was when the management changed the barrier that keeps everyone here was weakened. It’s back and just as strong as ever so don’t keep your hopes up for that happening again.
10) As long as you are stuck in the City though, you’ll probably be affected by what everyone here likes to all ‘curses.’ They happen randomly and they affect people randomly. Not everyone gets affected, but there’s no way to know if you will be or not. There also isn’t any clue as to what the next curse might be. The curses also only last for about 24 hours normally. There have been exceptions to this however.
11) The curses can be anything that you could or couldn’t imagine. Recently there was a curse that forced everyone to be happy, no matter how depressed or angry they were. There was also a curse where you were inclined to talk about your secrets to everyone and anyone; one where everything from the apartments to clothes were changed to a different time period, a day where everyone spoke in different languages, a day where people turned into animals and animals turned into people, and those are just the recent ones. There have been ones in the past where people relived their worst memory, a day where your flesh was rotted and all the fun that goes with that, a day where you couldn’t help but kiss anyone you came in contact with, a gender changing curse, a day where ages got reversed, and a whole lot more.
12) Alongside the curses, there’s a ticking that everyone hears. It’s connected to the carousel in the center of the city, which is supposedly connected to a device that will blow up everything and anything when it time comes. The ticking and the clock are supposed to be the countdown to the end of the worlds. The ticking becomes tolerable with a pet or whenever you’re near other people it becomes muffled enough to forget about.
13) If you’ve read all that and now you’re wondering what to do about a place to stay, don’t worry about that. Just pick a place and move in. The apartments are the obvious choice, but there are other places in the City that people have chosen to live as well. Don’t worry about paying rent or anything because there’s no one who collects any.
14) Your money is just as good as mine. Whatever the currency is, it’s accepted. And if you’re worried about running out, you could find a job in the city, but it’s not necessary. Just find something else to use as currency. Hair, lint, paper, whatever you have on you can work just as well for currency. Believe me, I’ve tried all sorts of different things and all of it was accepted.
15) If you need to buy things, the Square is the generally accepted place to go. There are also a lot of different things to do there as well. I’d say more, but just go check it out on your own. It’ll do you more of a service than just hearing about it.
16) Pretty much anywhere safe to go, though there are monsters in both the forest and in the Underground. Most people can avoid encountering any, but they’re not all that bad or difficult to deal with. However, if you go deep into the Underground, the monsters there get decidedly stronger. The monsters generally don’t leave those two spots so unless you go looking for them, you can avoid them completely.
17) The Underground’s not a bad place to go for alcohol or clubbing. I know there are also people there who made it their home. I don’t know if I’d suggest it for a picnic with the little kiddies, but it’s a good a place to spend time as any in the City. And if you do want to bring the little ones, well more power to you then. It’s not my business.
So there’s the down and dirty of the City with the aspects of personal relationship between people not included. Telling all of that takes more effort than I’m interested in expending. Besides, spend a day or two here and I’m sure even a rock would be able to figure out what’s going on, more or less. As amusing as it is to watch, I’d rather avoid getting too deeply involved with it, thank you very much.
Oh, and one last final note that I have to include. If anyone dares to try and mess with me and mine, then I hope you don’t mind me repaying the favor with interest. I don’t take kindly to those who would harm those I’ve come to care for.