Summer solstice is an occasion of transformation. Well the evening before Summer Solstice is known as St. john eve. One ritual is you can light a candle made of St. John's wort and other herbs. (As you know Summer solstic is know for comming closet to the creator or life energy and to see that manifest in yourself and thoes around you.) Basicly priming the alter for the following days of ritual or the following day to set the tone for summer and to begin the awaking from winter. Under the candle you place the things you want to manifest throughout summer and at noon the 21st you burn them.
Perhaps you can build and alter with candles and have everyone place thier desires in a large bowl or pot that can be set alight later in the evning or the following day.
Also there are many other rituals with lovers in feilds, ritual bathing, large feasts, jumping the bond fire...
To celebrate the sun god I think fire performers are in order. Fruit is a big theme as well. Things of empowerment and strength are very important.
You keep me in mind should you ever want to include an aerial act, Ms. C. A friend and I are hoping to make it on Monday night, so perhaps I will see you then!
hey cecily this is leola ,I know this is a bit random, I dont even really use my l/j any more, and from waht I can tell you have not posted in a month or so.... but any way I loged on because I was thinking of you, and I just wanted to say hi, and to see how you were doing ..........I kinda miss you................
Cuteness, How are you? Where are you these days? How are things going? YOu should email me at . Things are good here. Still at Metro, still loving Rick and living at the Fenix, I got another crazy job downtown so I'm busy as usual, but I'm still in my reclusive phase, so as wild as my life always is, it's pretty quiet right now. I want to take trapese classes and learn to be a motorcycle stunt rider, so that should be interesting. Write me and tell me all about your life these days, I know the whole spooky gang would love to hear from you. Until then, ~Cecily~ p.s. I miss you too, sweet pea.
Comments 8
Perhaps you can build and alter with candles and have everyone place thier desires in a large bowl or pot that can be set alight later in the evning or the following day.
Also there are many other rituals with lovers in feilds, ritual bathing, large feasts, jumping the bond fire...
To celebrate the sun god I think fire performers are in order. Fruit is a big theme as well. Things of empowerment and strength are very important.
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Solstice Blessings,
How are you? Where are you these days? How are things going? YOu should email me at . Things are good here. Still at Metro, still loving Rick and living at the Fenix, I got another crazy job downtown so I'm busy as usual, but I'm still in my reclusive phase, so as wild as my life always is, it's pretty quiet right now. I want to take trapese classes and learn to be a motorcycle stunt rider, so that should be interesting.
Write me and tell me all about your life these days, I know the whole spooky gang would love to hear from you.
Until then,
p.s. I miss you too, sweet pea.
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