It's the end of the world as we know it....

Apr 18, 2008 07:36

Dudes, I live in Northeast Indiana. We had an earthquake this morning. I woke up between 5:30-5:40 and my whole bed was shaking, it was like The Exorcist almost! (Well probably not that bad, but it woke me up!) I thought maybe I had dreamed it at first, but then I heard my mom get up so I got up and we were both like, "Did you feel that too??" So ( Read more... )

weird news, earthquake??

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Comments 11

sweptawaybayou April 18 2008, 12:18:13 UTC



lady_alatariel_ April 18 2008, 22:03:10 UTC
I know it was so crazy!


stars91 April 18 2008, 12:32:48 UTC
I'm in southwest Indiana.....less than 60 miles from West Salem, IL where the epicenter was! NOT a fun way to get woke up in the morning!

We all survived, no damage that I know of! Just *weird*!


lady_alatariel_ April 18 2008, 22:02:42 UTC
It was so crazy!! Did you feel the second one??


kerosinkanister April 18 2008, 16:59:39 UTC
That's really crazy. When I saw the news I thought Indiana?


lady_alatariel_ April 18 2008, 22:04:11 UTC
I know right?? WTF? AND it's a full moon!


lostgirlslair April 18 2008, 19:53:18 UTC
That is so weird, but I'm glad to hear that you're okay!


lady_alatariel_ April 18 2008, 22:05:39 UTC
Thanks! It was crazy!


frikatilhi April 20 2008, 17:59:54 UTC
I read about that. It caught my eye because I'm going to be in Indiana next year, and thought 'huh, I didn't know they have quakes', and apparently you don't!


lady_alatariel_ April 20 2008, 20:26:19 UTC
I guess there is a fault line in Southern Illinois and Indiana but we have not had/felt a significant earthquake where I like since like 1968! Crazy!
Where will you be in Indiana?


frikatilhi April 20 2008, 20:47:12 UTC
I'm going to be in Bloomington, I'm spending a year at IU. :)


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