Hello all!
The year is almost at an end, but RLi is just about to begin!
What is it?
Radio Loli is the Brain Child of mine of which to begin flexing my communications skills on. For a general idea, we're your basic talk radio spewing mini news clips, meet up information, quizzes, important events of interests, and other organized prattle of the world. We are not the be all, end all of things Lolita Fashion related. We are not the voice of our J Fashion sub-culture; We are simply fans, hobbyist, and life stylist showing our praise through the medium that is iTunes.
At the moment, I'm gathering bits and pieces for our bi - weekly broadcast of Lolita related news and rants.
I'm sure some of you have seen
this post in the past and we recieved a wonderful response. However, we've pushed back our launch date till March which is still not set in stone. Much is still needed to be done for the first five episodes.
Now, I know what your thinking, this is just another fly by night event that may never come to fruitation.
On the contrary, I do believe this can actually happen. Similar to
uttate 's internet radio recently aired, our programs revolves around the interests of Lolitas both within the fashion and outside. No, we're not a Lifestyle Lolita show, though do watch for
layer_cake_liefor her debute of Sweet Porridge - A Lifestyle Lolita podcast.
Why do you say 'we' ?
This little pet project of mine is not solely credited to just me. It takes the efforts and free time of others willing to ad to this entertainment. They are the ones to commended as well as thanked for supporting RLi's growth in the present and future.
That's all for now! Stay tuned for more updates and the final schedule list of up coming shows!