1. What is your full name? Heather Brynn Chasez
2. What is your star sign? Libra
3. What are your racial origins? American, French, Italian
4. Where do you live? Los Angeles, California
5. What would you've been called if you were the opposite sex? Jacob Tyler.
6. When is your birthday? October 13th, 1979
1. Have you ever had a recurring dream? Yes.
2. What's your most memorable dream? I’m driving down an open road in
Florida. 2 marshy swamps on either side of me. All of a sudden the road
disappears under the water and my car won’t stop. I usually wake up before I’m
eaten alive and/or drown. Scary? I know!
3. How many hours sleep do you get each night? I try for at least 6 or 7. I
mean hey, it’s my favorite thing to do.
4. What time do you get up on a school day? This one doesn't apply to me any
more. :)
5. How many times have you stayed up all night? Too many to count!
6. Have you ever got so drunk that you don’t remember going to bed? Everytime
I get drunk, I don’t remember going to bed.
7. What do you normally do last thing before going to bed? Brush my teeth
and put my hair in a ponytail. Make sure that my dogs are fed and comfortable.
Then I close my door and jump into bed.
8. Does coffee wake you up? Sometimes.
9. Does vodka put you to sleep? LOL, not usually, no.
10. Do you wriggle in bed so much that you wake up facing a different way to
how you started? I don’t usually anymore. I’m more like a dead weight
nowadays. But when I was younger I used to flip (my feet at my headboard)
11. What was the last time you shared a bed? I share one every night with my
12. Do you tend to dream about real life things more, or complete fantasies? Mostly
real life.
13. How long do you remember your dreams for when you wake up? Only a few
hours. By the time I want to tell someone, I forget things about it.
14. Which is worse - being too hot in bed, or too cold? Too hot! Definitely!
15. How many pillows do you sleep with? 4…but see I have 4 pillows on the
bed and by morning I usually have two under my head, one under my arm and the
other under my feet or legs.
16. What was your biggest night time fear as a child? Well, my ‘darling’
older brother used to tell me that the big scary guy down the street (which all
the kids were afraid of) would climb up a ladder to every kids window and watch
you sleep. I still get the chills whenever I think of it. That’s why there are
no windows next to my bed!
17. What's under your bed? Extra blankets and pillows. Oh and some exercise
thing I never use.
18. What do you wear in bed? Usually a tank top and pj bottoms. Sometimes
boxers and a sweatshirt.
19. Do you read in the evening, the morning, or not at all? Whenever I find
time to.
1. Right now, sum up your emotion in 3 words? Annoyed, bored and tired.
2. When was the last time you cried? The other night.
3. Which is more important, to be fair, or to be correct? To be fair.
4. Do you prefer to think or to feel? Feeling, for sure. Thoughts can
deceive you. (I’ll keep that Kim thanks…)
5. Is the glass half empty or half full? Eh, depends on my mood.
6. At what age do you want to die? Whatever age God wants to take me.
7. If you could pick one age to stay at for the rest of your life, what would
it be? Hmm, probably I’d be retired like 65 or something. I’d love to just
be able to sit back with my husband and watch my children be parents.
8. Do you prefer the arts or the sciences? Arts.
9. What do you fear more - failure, or pain? Pain. Definitely pain.
10. Can you really trust anyone? No, I’m not that type of person anymore.
Until I find someone who can prove me wrong.
11. Are aliens real? In ‘Signs’ they are!
12. Have you ever taken an illegal drug? I smoked a few times as a teenager.
I swore I’d never do it again. UGH!
13. What was it like? Horrible!
14. When have you been most scared? When my mom called and told me my dad
was sick.
15. What is your favourite computer game? Inklink! It’s become an addiction!
16. What's the stupidest thing you've ever done in public? I threw up on the
Bye Bye Bye set. They put me and Stacey (Lance’s sister) in that blue spinning
tunnel thing. Haha. That was soo embarrassing!
17. Have you ever walked along a train track? Yup.
18. Have you ever sprayed your hand with deoderant and set fire to it? HAHA…what
19. Have you ever considered suicide? No comment.
20. How many people (that you know personally) do you truly respect? I
respect everyone, unless they give me reason not to.
Which friend:
1. Is the closest? Marissa, Mere and Stacey
2. Has shared the most secrets with you? KC, Marissa, Keith
3. Is the funniest? Chris, Bret and Ryan
4. Is the most trustworthy? Marissa
5. Pulls the most? Huh?
6. Has the highest morals? Stacey
7. Is the cleverest? Lindsay Hartley
8. Is the proudest? Keith, Josh
9. Is the naughtiest? Mere
10. Is the flirtiest? Lindsay Hartley
11. Is the most determined? KC
12. Is the most mature? KC and Joey
13. Is a child at heart? Keith and Chris
14. Do you spend the most time with? Marissa, KC, Mere
15. Is the prettiest? KC, Marissa….well they’re all pretty people.
16. Is the shyest? Stacey, definitely!
17. Is the most confident? Besides me….Lindsay Hartley
18. Is the most paranoid? Joey
19. Is the most popular? My boys…
20. Is the most daring? Marissa
21. Is the most generous? KC and Keith
22. Is the sweetest? KC, Marissa, Lindsay, Keith
Which friend will...
21. End up as a rich aristocrat? uhhh
22. Make it as an actor? Joey already is. Well some of them are.
23. Be a surrogate mother? If I really HAD to chose, probably KC. No wait,
can I take that back? I meant to say Mere.
24. Be a professor? Stacey. She’s the brains out of us.
25. End up smoking dope in front of the TV? Chris….I mean what?! Who
said that?!
26. Be arrested first? Definitely Ryan!
27. Become an evil dictator? Yeah, no clue.
28. Be a stripper? Me…I mean….
29. Commit suicide? Hopefully, no one!
30. Marry first? Well, Mere and Stacey are already married. Next is
Marissa. I’ll probably be last. If ever…
That's it for tonight guys...sorry it had to be this boring. I'm not in the right mood today. Goodnite!