Title: The Dumbing Down Of Love(Details)
Fandom: RPF
Pairing: Pinto
Series Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, just love 'em
Warnings: , long-term angst, Zach/OMC
Summary: Part 11 of 11. Zach has a crush on Chris but Chris really doesn't want to know. A lot of angst, UST and crappy decision making follows and eventually, Zach has to make a
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Comments 14
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The angst and the pain were huge but at the same time so well written that I've fallen in love again with this story. Too bad it's the end, really :/
Anyway, I loved this ending! I've always been a fan of such no-win situations drowned with emotions... Still, there is some hope there - you can pretty much imagine that things may go back to being heavenly in few months time (Ah, I'm overthinking it again!)
Thanks for the amazing story! You've done a truly amazing job with it, especially making both characters go through enough troubles and complications in order to change themselves and even grow up :) Perfect!
I'm looking forward to reading more amazing emotional stories from you ^_^
My fic takes your love and it makes it stronger - soon it shall be strong enough for independent thought and then it shall take over the world! Mwahahahaha! (Please excuse my plans for world domination :P
Hopefully more Pinto shall be forthcoming but for now trekreversebang must be my drug, as it actually has a due date - and I think I'm okay with that :D
Thank you so much for reading and commenting!
That was so amazing there at the end. Lots of emotion and angst and a tiny bit of hope.
I find it essential when it comes to angst, otherwise how do I raise people's hopes before dashing them? :P
Ending-hope is different, however- I find it keeps my heart from 'sploding with pain!
Thanks for reading and commenting!
I always loved this song and love how you made use of it.
I know what you mean about the song too - Let Go used to be my favourite song from the album but this one, over the years has remained so poignant that it now takes the number one spot :)
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