another survey stolen from Joel

Mar 08, 2006 07:04

1. What does your LJ nickname mean?
My name on forums for years has been Daryl, taken from the first name of my first character for online RP. The "Lady" just got tagged in because Daryl by itself was already taken.

2. Elaborate on your icon photo?
I think my default one here is some anime-ish one I custom made on one of those icon generator sites.

3. Did you lie about your age anywhere on the net?

4. How many LJ friends do you have?
I seem to have a lot on my friends list, but I'd be hard pressed to say who half of them are.

5. What is your current status?

6. Uhh, this test is missing a 6... Do you think pregnant women are beautiful?

7. What is life to you?
The half-empty glass.

8. What is love to you?
*head explodes*

9. What kind of people do you hate most?
Liars, bigots, and people who are just trying to do what's best for the most of us!

10. What type of people do you like most?
Um.. my friends.

11. What makes you happy?
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens.

12. Are you musically inclined?

13. What would you do if you woke up one morning and found out that the person you love most didn't exist or was killed?
Probably go through a period of denial intersperced with bouts of despair and "I wish I had done [action] differently".

14. If you could go back in time and change ONE thing, what would you change?
I wouldn't change most of what I have done, but I'd like to change ever having gotten involved with Bob, because while I enjoyed time together, this aftermath is sucking.

15. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day, what will you be?
Cat or bird of some sort.

16. Ever had a near death experience?
Well, cancer and a car accident.

17. Name ONE obvious personality quality you have.
Uh...I'm quiet. At least until I get to know someone.

18. What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now?
I don't actually have one at present.

19. Are you happy today?
Not particularly.

20. Who will cut and paste this first?
Lily or Jean, maybe.
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