Top 5 Actors
1. Ian MacKellan
2. James Marsters
3. Hugh Jackman
4. Antonio Banderas
5. Viggo Mortenson
Top 5 Actresses
1. Catherine Zeta-Jones
2. Catherine is the only one who matters.
3. N/A
4. N/A
5. N/A
Top 5 Fandoms
1. Sailor Moon
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
3. Dragonriders of Pern
4. Wheel of Time
5. Final Fantasy
Top 5 Ships
1. Michiru/Haruka (Sailor Moon)
2. Buffy/Spike (BtVS)
3. Willow/Tara (BtVS)
4. Wolverine/Phonex(X3)
5. Setzer/Daryl (FFVI)
Top 5 Things You Love To Do
1. Read
2. Sing
3. Write
4. Walk
5. Listen to music
Top 5 Things You Dislike
1. Intolerant people
2. Loneliness
3. Spiders
4. Needles
5. Smoking
Top 5 Things You'd Take to a Deserted Island (no people)
1. Knife
2. Matches
3. Compass
4. Books
5. Blanket
Top 5 Famous People You'd Shag
1. James Marsters
2. Catherine Zeta-Jones
3. Eliza Dushku
4. Hugh Jackman
5. Antonio Banderas
And tagging: Um.. whoever wants to fill it out.
1) How old do you wish you were? The age I am now.
2) Where were you when 9/11 happened? School.
3)What do you do when vending machines steal your money? Go and speak to the appropriate person about a refund.
4) Do you consider yourself kind? Yes.
5)If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be? Purple rose on my ankle. *smirk*
6) If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be? Spanish, German, Japanese, Italian.
7) Do you know your neighbors? No.
8) What do you consider a vacation? Getting out of state for longer than a day.
9) Do you follow your horoscope? No.
10) Would you move for the person you loved? Been there, done that. Never will again.
11) Are you touchy feely? Only with certain people.
12) Do you believe that opposites attract? They can attract, but don't usually last too long.
13) Dream job? Either a singer or a writer.
14) Favorite channel(s)? I don't have cable, so I pretty much always watch WB 18.
15) Favorite place to go on weekend? Weekends I try to either go see friends in Oshkosh, Milwaukee or Madison, or go see my mother.
16) Showers or Baths? Showers.
17) Do you paint your nails? Rarely.
18) Do you trust people easily? No.
19) What are your phobias? Spiders, needles, heights.
20) Do you want kids? Yes.
21) Do you keep a handwritten journal? No.
22) Where would you rather be right now? In bed. With company.
23) Who makes you feel warm and fuzzy? Being around people I care about.
24) Heavy or light sleep? I sleep heavily, but wake up a lot.
25) Are you paranoid? Sometimes.
26) Are you impatient? Yes.
27) Who can you relate to? Most of my friends. That's probably why we're friends.
28) How do you feel about interracial couples? They are just like any other couple, aren't they?
29) Have you been burned by love? Yes.
30) What's your life motto?: Toss up.. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger", "Happiness is not a state of arriving, it's a manner of traveling", And the Serenity Prayer.
Closest red thing to you?: The Sight Singing text book on my bookshelf.
Last thing to make you angry?: People who blow me off.
Do you have a temper?: Yes, but it goes away pretty fast.
Are you a fan of romance?: Yes.
Closest orange thing to you?: Clothes in my closet.
Do you like to burn things?: Yeah. Fire pretty.
Dress up for Halloween?: Rarely.
Are you a warm hearted person?: Generally.
Do you have anything against ginger hair?: No.
Are you full of energy?: Not usually.
Closest yellow thing to you that's yellow?: My D&D for Dummies book.
The happiest time[s] of your life?: Either the first year of college, which was great, or my first year with JP, when we lived together. I suppose I should also list the months I was with Bob and unbelievably happy, until I found out it was all a game.
Favorite holiday?: Halloween
What makes you smile?: A good book, a good movie, a good song, good company.
Are you a coward?: Not nearly as much as I used to be.
Do you burn or tan?: Burn.
Closest green thing to you?: Green sheets on my bed.
Do you care about the environment?: Yes, but not enough to really stand up and do something major about it.
Are you jealous of anyone right now?: Yes.
Are you a lucky person?: No.
Do you always want what you can't have?: No.
Do you like being outdoors?: Yes.
Closest blue thing to you: There's blue on this LJ page.
Are you good at calming people down?: Usually.
Do you like the sea?: I love it.
Last thing to make you cry?: How alone it gets late at night.
Are you a logical thinker?: I try to be.
Can you sleep easily?: No.
Closest purple thing to you?: The blanket on my bed.
Like being treated to expensive things?: Who doesn't?
Do you like mysterious things?: Sometimes.
Ever met anyone in royalty?: No.
Are you creative?: Yes.
Closest pink thing to you?: Clothes in my closet.
Do you like sweet foods?: Yes.
Like play-fighting?: Yes.
Are you sensitive?: Yes.
Closest white thing to you?: My fan.
Would you say you're innocent?: No.
Always try to keep the peace?: Not as much as I used to.
How do you imagine your wedding?: The details aren't what is important to me. I've always wanted a small, simple yet elegant, wedding. Not a big crazy affair.
Do you like to play in the snow?: No. Brrr.
Are you afraid of going to the doctors or dentists?: I hate going to all doctors/dentists.
Name the closest black thing to you?: My planner.
Ever enjoy hurting people?: Yes - but not harming. Oh, wait. I doubt this question was about BDSM. Outside of consensual pain, no, I don't.
Are you sophisticated or silly?: Silly, but good at pretending to be polished.
Afraid of death?: Yes.
Would you like to go to space?: No. I'd probably freak out. Unless it was like in Star Trek. That would rock.
Do you have a lot of secrets?: Unfortunately yes.