Hard to believe today is the first day of 2010! It's always a relief to read timeless, unchangeable truths when uncertainty and disaster are close at hand
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P.D. passed on two of Pastor John MacArthur's blogs in an email and I wanted to share them with you all. The first is an examination of the influence of Oral Roberts on christianity for better or for worse before his recent death and the second is a much needed denunciation of the heresies found on TBN. Please read them through thoroughly
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Christian continues on the road, eventually losing Faithful when the citizens of Vanity Fair murder him and throw Christian in prison for preaching the gospel
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I picked up Pilgrim's Progress the other day and was convicted by this conversation between Christian and Faithful about a man they meet on the road to the celestial city who looks very noble and handsome from a distance but appears to lose his attractiveness the closer they get to him
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On a more serious note, I finally got around to starting Desiring God by John Piper. So far, so good. His poem was a little odd, but the thought behind it is excellent. God doesn't want
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