To my flist: This is for any S*P readers who come by. You can just move along.
This should give you a better idea of how the guide would look. There is a poll at the end.
February 2004
Filler Art
Original PeeJee S*P cast as Sandman cast and "day of the dead Aubrey"
Halloween wallpaperPeeJee in a bunny suit, Aubrey as a French maid and Vamp!Claire
Overreaction to RandyWoman scarred by Randy's low self esteem poor self image face. Based loosely on MIT lecture.
Jason and Aubrey's hook up
Stare into the Abyss"Number 00043-B" dumps Aubrey and she discovers Jason has been "numbering her boyfriends"
Isn't a straightjacket a little fetishy for the barJason cancels a date to take Aubrey to the bar by convincing his date that "Valentine's is a week later".
Time with Aubrey is like a fairy tale, Hansel and GretelAubrey and Cab discuss alimony. Jason asks "I get to push you into the stove" Aubrey retorts "Don't have to worry about the plumping you up stage"
Meta stripAubrey is subjected to a rant about several web comics including Som*Pos. When she starts to consider him as a "viable one night stand" Jason calls her "Old Yeller"
Narcoleptic fetishOnce they get back home, Aubrey throws herself at Jason who turns her down since she's drunk. "I didn't know a trail of puke down my stomach would be included. Lets' go sexy"
A great disturbance in the forceAubrey makes breakfast for Jason but cooking bacon "made her hangover sad". Jason explains why he didn't take advantage of her and as Aubrey kisses Jason, PeeJee can sense the disturbance. That or Davan's "chocolate cheesecake" is just that bad.
Davan works on Mike
If girls like jerks, Mike should have women all over himMike laments over a girl he befriended who started dating some one else. He lists all the bad things guys do and Davan points out, although Mike doesn't see it, that he's just as bad for "becoming friends in hopes of getting laid".
Best impersonation of Charlie Brown's teacher Mike thinks the girl is shallow for dating someone she finds attractive. Davan points out that he's using the same logic since her looks are what caught his attention. Mike thinks it's fine that he does that and calls Davan his best friend for offering to be a muted trumpet.
Regret in Davan's love lifeDavan says he doesn't regret his past dates but if he could "change on thing about his dates it would be who they were with"
I can hold my breath in a very convincing manor Mike discusses how he mistreated his ex, Tamara, and his plans for winning over PeeJee.
Game night at Branwen's
Twelfth level clingmasterPeeJee arrives for game night with Kyle who thinks Jason or Davan will woo her away. PeeJee let's him go on with his "self inflicted martyr complex".
Cashing his check in some liquor store on the second circle of hellKyle refuses to play his character as it's meant to be and "refuses to cave to his god's will" because "where will it end? Alone on the couch"
Col. S'an DarzeKyle balks at PeeJee's "leftover golums" and "re-aligns her mental crosshairs".
Happy Orge Body RemovalKyle insists on fighting the golums solo. The rest of the group stands back to watch the carnage. "Regular and Extra crispy move to Miami"
Relationship to English translationsKyle doesn't know what he's done wrong and is thoroughly cockblocked.
"Trespassers will be shot" Tattoed on my buttKyle makes nice with PeeJee after the game fiasco. She thinks she may have been too harsh by killing his character but Davan asures her that she was in the right. Branwen has killed his characters and "Aubrey killed Jason's six times the night before...granted for other reasons".
Poll Please leave feedback.
If you want a database, great, so do I, but I can't make one. So until we get a programmer on board there's nothing we can do with a list of assistants, at least not a list in my inbox.
If the format needs tweaks, what does it need. I'd like this to be as user friendly as a list can be. And, of course, word from Randy or Mercy at some point.
I hope this clears up any misunderstandings.