I recall, back in grade school, the teacher showing us this round thingy called a globe. On this "Globe" were all the countries of this Earth. I was told that Germany was one of these.
IT WAS ALL LIES "Fine" German politicians are suggesting that their nation's men get out there and breed, Breed, BREEEED!!!
Quotes: Children are our future, Germans need to work more on that again in bed. Things mustn’t get to the stage where German men are scoffed at abroad for being limp. We need to have the courage to have sex and take the consequences. People concentrating on themselves, which has led to a life without children for many, has gone wrong.
Did I miss something? Did we start judging countries in this way? Men, the last time you were discussing foreign policy did you think, "Those limp dicked krauts, why surely, if they were better at keeping their women barefoot and pregnant, they could rule the world!!"
And while we're on that topic...
Dear Germany,
Please do not fall for this shit. Please remember who the last moron was who said this. I'll give you a few hints. He annexed Austria, Poland and Charlie Chaplin's mustache. He gave awards to women who popped out sprog after sprog until their cunts staged bloody and violent coups. He has been described as a "mass murdering fuckhead" by fine historians and comedians everywhere. Do keep this in mind when considering your birthing plans.
Thank you for your time,
India, the former USSR, China and a large part of Africa
PS: We have enough children in this world as it is. Please keep the sperm on a leash.
PPS: I don't mean you can't breed but eugenics was always a fair amount of BS
PPPS: think Zero or Negative population growth. You can't even afford your bus and train systems, welfare babies are not for you.
PPPPS: Korea would like to advise you against becoming a top baby exporter. Russia and it's former bunk mates would concur.
As for the pension plan, for fuck's sake! Leik OMG Becky, we leik todaly need more money to retire on at the expense of others. We need to breed like barn mice.
OMG you're right! Barn mice are soooo CUTE!!11!
Dear capitalist nations,
You know I love you guys, I do, but this social welfare thing is only good if you keep a leash on it.
US, you started with SS benefits for widows, their children, and the disabled. This expanded to retires and I'm with that BUT you also consider active drug addicts as disabled and hand them a check without mandating treatment. Any one who has ever worked with the homeless will tell you to give them food if you want them to eat. You can't trust the money to go to food. Path to hell, good intentions, and all.
You guys want to make sure you can handle federal retirement plans, here's a little tip, restraint! Don't dip into it when you need to work out the budget. Don't give cash to any and everyone because it will win you votes because you're "helping". DO NOT under any circumstances allow your people to believe that the program is 1) stable 2) guaranteed or 3) sufficient to live off of. It is none of those things and your citizens are not well enough aware of this.
Dear citizens of the above capitalist nations,
Don't buy into any breeding for retirement plans. If you keep your families a manageable size for your income bracket you can save for your own retirement. If that means you won't live the dream of having your own football team made up of entirely your own children, so be it. If the welfare plan lives to see your retirement then you get your own nest egg and the federal boost. Go you! If the federal plan falls short of you then you'll be self-sufficient. That's liberty in action baby.
We are not rats people. We have an incredible survival rate these days. Infant mortality is low. Childhood illnesses hardly touch our young ones. We do not need to have 12 children in hopes that a few may make it to adult hood. If you have 12 kids they will almost certainly all survive. If we all limited our families to 1 child each it would still take the earth's population around 300 years to get back down to a billion. That's Billion with a B. In case you have forgotten we are over 6 Billion and birthing counting.
Let's look at a fine example of a German family with 9 children. Why surely, this family must be a shining example of
love of life and country.
After an 18 month absence from school, church, any sort of function that would have/should have noticed his disappearance, it finally came to the authorities attention that a 7 year old boy had vanished off the face of the earth.
When asked where young Dennis had been the last year and a half his father said that he thought he had been in the hospital receiving treatment for his diabetes.
Dennis died in December of 2002. His mother shoved his body into a broken deep freezer. The surface of this freezer served has their dining table.
They are not sure how Dennis died. He may have been killed or may have died of neglect and was stashed by a frightened and cowardly mother.
The couple has eight other children ages 5 - 20. They lived in a five room apartment.
But, you know, those eight kids, barring extreme frostbite, will pay into federal pension.