The Lord of the Rings & The Silmarillion
Across Deeper Waters, one-shot, Galadriel, G
Parma Awards Year Two - Winner - Best Story About Elves
And Whisper You to This Earth, one-shot, Erestor/Halbarad, R
Written for
kenazfiction for the
Slashy Santa 2007 fic exchange.
Five Short Stories About Glorfindel, ficlet series, G
Written for
Rings Remixed 2006. Original story:
Harsh for Bearing by
claudi007 The Homeless, one-shot, Aragorn/Legolas, R
LAS Yahoo Group October 2004 Challenge "Haunted" - Winner
Leaves of Gold, multi-chapter, Aragorn/Legolas, R
Mithril Awards 2005 - Runner-Up - Best Drama
The Light of the North, drabble series, Éomer/Faramir, R
Pleasure, one-shot, Aragorn/Legolas, NC-17
The Scars of Stone And Sky, one-shot, Aragorn/Legolas, R
Written for the LAS Fifth Anniversary Anon-a-thon.
My Precious Awards 2007 - Second Place Winner - "Best Nature" Category
2007 MOME Awards - Winner - Aragorn/Legolas Short Fiction
Silence, one-shot, Aragorn/Legolas, PG-13
The Taste of Rain, one-shot, Aragorn/Legolas, PG-13
Unspoken, one-shot, Aragorn/Legolas, PG-13
Untitled LotR double drabble, Elrond/Arwen, R, warning: very dark AU, incest
Untitled Silmarillion double drabble, Túrin/Beleg, PG
Yielding, drabble series, Aragorn/Legolas, PG-13 (together with Milady Hawke)
Harry Potter
Dust And Ashes, a ficlet series, Sirius/Remus, R
Erroneous, a LotR/HP crossover drabble, Elrond in Hogwarts, G
Hide And Seek, femslash ficlet, Hermione/Fleur, PG
Paper Moon, 1,5 x drabble, Remus Lupin, G
Requirements, one-shot ficlet, Sirius Black/Severus Snape - sort of; PG, crack warning
That Night, Sirius/Remus, R
Whimpering, double drabble, Snape/Lupin, G
His Dark Materials
Inevitable, drabble, Serafina Pekkala, G
Listening, drabble, Will/Lyra, G
Preparation, one-shot ficlet, Mary Malone, Balthamos, G
Standing on the Brink, double drabble, Lord Asriel/Mrs. Coulter, G
Untitled HDM double drabble, Will/Lyra, G
Batman (Nolanverse only)
All Things Lost, a The Dark Knight double drabble, The Joker/Batman, R
The Last Test, a Batman Begins drabble, Henri Ducard/Bruce Wayne, R
Parts VII & XII of the Batfic collaboration Nine Hours of Sweet Torture, Henri Ducard/Bruce Wayne. The VERY NOT SAFE FOR WORK link will take you to the index and last instalment, because reading the individual parts on their own wouldn't make a lot of sense. NC-17 and somewhat kinky. Consider yourselves warned. (I originally omitted this from my fic index by mistake, not by intention.)
Star Trek: Reboot
Circles, one-shot, Spock/Kirk, R
A Study in Purple, a Holmes/Watson slash piece set in the universe of Neil Gaiman's short story
A Study in Emerald, R
A Week in the Lunchbox of James Wilson, Boy Wonder Oncologist, a House M.D. drabble, House & Wilson, Cuddy, PG
Spaces, a Torchwood drabble, Ianto/Jack, PG
Untitled Phantom of the Opera double drabble, Madame Giry/Erik, PG
Through the Darkness of Futures Past, a Twin Peaks ficlet, Mike & BOB, Laura Palmer, Leland Palmer, PG
* * *
I always meant to index my fan fiction once the number of my stories reached the teens. Then, one day, I woke up to the realization that there were over twenty of my stories scattered all over the internet, and even I had difficulties finding some of them, let alone some random reader who wouldn’t know where to look in the first place.
Thus, I sat down to create this index.
My output is quantitatively modest; many of the stories are mere drabbles or short ficlets. Some older stories are below my current standards and I hesitated to include them. However, I decided that it should be all or nothing, so everything I’ve published online to date is indexed here.
The only exception are my first two Aragorn/Legolas stories, which have been removed from all online archives save one. In the interests of the all-or-nothing policy mentioned above, a curious and courageous reader who doesn’t fear for her eyeballs will be able to find these stories on the
LBES slash archive under my pen name. Direct linking is not possible, because the archive can only be entered through the main page; hence, I’ve left them out of this index.
The index will be kept up to date in the future.