Title: What Doesn't Kill You / Side Story: Leeteuk
Genre: Superhero AU, action
Rating: PG-13
Chapter 12 < ----- >
Chapter 13---
His name was Park Jungsu. He had craters for dimples and an infectious laugh that bordered on maniacal. He was a highschooler that cared more about confessing to the girl in Class 3-B than grades or his future. Park Jungsu was
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Comments 49
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I don't even like Super Junior. They can't sing. Or dance. Especially Sungmin.
This is so unrealistic. And I caught like two typos.
Just stop writing. Stop.
You cut stuff out didn't you? I could tell. It was so obvious. That's probably why it was so incredibly short. I don't understand how someone could post this and attempt to pass it off as a legitimate chapter.
No substance.
The only redeeming quality of this filth is that the fat man died.
Stop writing you hipster-freak.
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I love the way you wrote his character and how he just wants to be acknowledged... <3 The Heechul/Leeteuk relationship is (Y). :D Although I can't really imagine Heechul calling ANYONE, much less Leeteuk, 'hyung', but no complaints there. XD
Thanks so much for writing! /sends candy/
Heechul is a nice mixture of contradictions. He's always going on about how you should respect your elders but he fails to acknowledge them himself. It had to slip sometime. Haha.
@___@ So just how exactly did Typhoon did it with Heechul? Interesting thought: so did they break up by the time Geng showed up at the training center? Hmm....
But xD Why exactly does Donghae's introduction to the new people always start off as "I'm Donghae and I can turn into XX animal. Wanna see?" *pinches cheeks* So cute. Which makes me .____. at his story when he's going to break T___________T
Too absorbed with this story. You throw a lot of curve balls LOL
Waiting on your next update ^^
:D Donghae's side story...>.< Ah, so much left to write. And Then Heechul's and everyone else's...aish!
Well, Hangeng has had sex with Heechul before. Just as long as there are no hands and no lips involved on Heechul's side, it works. But were they still going out when Heechul met Hannie? Only *I* know the answer to that. Muwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
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