Title: What Doesn't Kill You Chapter 14
Pairing: HanChul, KyuChul, KangTeuk, YeWook, EunKiHae
Genre: Superhero AU, action
Rating: PG-13
Chapter 13 < ------ > Chapter 15
Character Profiles Siwon's Story Hangeng's Story Yesung's Story Henry's Story Sungmin's Story Leeteuk's Story They’d heard everything.
Or, at the very least, Heechul, Yesung, and Sungmin had.
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Comments 27
That ending. I kakhf. Would could it possibly be. Minnie with a crazed look in his eyes? e.e
Oh, the YeWook bit made me sad, actually. The first freaking half of this made me sad but every chapter does the same thing for me, so I've come to terms with it xxD
;A;~~ Maybe Typhoon does still love maybe you Chullie-ah :D.
WahWahWah, Next chapter come to me.
anyway our kyu is so loyal to him!!!
I am reading ur blood brothers for next time(I dont know how many times I have read it coz it is countless) and wondering about its title song
I cant reach to it by ur given link coz my connection sucks.
Please give me the name of the song, I really want to see it!!!
The song is Thornflower by Jung Yeop.
but on the other hand OMG THIS SO EXCITING!!!!
oh oh oh, the dilemma of facing a possible cure, I can see some that would take the chance to be normal because if they don't then their powers might kill them or other people (who they wouldn't want to kill). but then I can see some who would want to keep their powers and just GAAHHH!!
I love this fic so much! *clutches it to chest*
I like how you show the tension between the "useful" and the "useless". One group wants to be normal, the other group simply does not believe that they can truly return to being normal.
Looking forward to the next chapter! Update soon!
The goals. And the conflicts. They want the same things. But go about differently for it. Though I can't imagine the usefuls without their powers. It's too part of them now :/
Wonderful chapter :)
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