
Nov 01, 2005 20:44

I realized today that Richard is good to talk to. I <3 him to death. William is too. I felt really depressed all of a sudden today and one joke in improv sends me almost to the point of tears. Well, it was a MEAN joke to start with almost drove me to tears. Some people need a serious talking to. Anyway, maybe tomorrow will be a better day ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

Leoparcy? summercatch678 November 2 2005, 22:37:44 UTC
even though in a leopard... just say it!!! -touches you in a non-perverted way- "YOU HAVE LEOPARCY!!!!!!!!"



zeh woot breathingpoem November 10 2005, 00:51:05 UTC
hm, did it drive you to tears out of sadness, or happiness? i did not pick-up exactly...

Love Always.


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