So I saw the dance concert. It was pretty good. Good job to all the dancers. It's always really funny though, to watch the beginning classes because they are so uncoordinated. Well, most of them are. Me and Jamie had a good laugh
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So yesterday was pretty damn cool. I was checked out of school to go to the fair and then....RIDES! Ha ha we had to go into every fun house and lame little scary house rides. The dude at the bumper cars let me go again because he liked me I guess...he said my car was broken but I was riding in it the whole time like everyone else and I was fine..
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I woke up this morning and my throat hurt really bad. It really sucks and, I don't want to go to school. But I have to. Hopefully it will go away if I drink some hot chocolate!
Do you ever want to run away? Hide in someone's arms and hope they can make everything go away? Too bad the only person whose arms I want to be in, Doesn't want me there. So what do you do? I've yet to figure that out.