All right, I've had time to calm down and consider other povs and I'm more rational. Well, relatively.
I still hate Sandhya's design, but in comparison to others, I can see why the judges singled it into the top. But not for the win!
First of all, the challenge was to imagine fashion in 20 years. Now, 20 years ago I had just exited grunge - actually, I was doing grunge in '89 through '92, and when it got really big I started opting for more classic looks, cuz as an alternative type grunger, popular looks blow. Anyway, if you think of the difference between early to mid 90s fashion and where we are now... what? I have no idea, but clearly the designers didn't really think in terms of where we'll be in twenty years. That was the challenge, right? Maybe do something with a more culturally diverse look - bring in Mid-East, Indian or Asian type looks, or go all out in how we're turning into cyborgs and Google some tech shit onto a model’s ass or tits or something. I'm going with Tom and Lorenzo’s overall assessment of the results here - they were BO. RING. These looks had little if any vision. No wonder Sandhya's Judy Jetson look won - at least it had an idea, right? Even though I hated it, and lament how awful it is that the field of Season Thirteen is so barren she’s winning everything. OY. So I'm forced to give her look the runner-up spot which sux cuz I hate.
But first, a few comments: I'm really glad they booted Angela. Within ten minutes of the show starting, she's in the commentary, starting to cry again, about how hard this is. Good lord, put her out of her misery. Her outfit definitely wasn't the worst - but three strikes and she's out, so fine. Still, her look wasn’t the worst.
Here are my bottom four, and Angela’s not even in it. The worst of the worst:
OMG Alexander, this was bad. Actually, they could have ditched any of the four I’m about to comment on and I would have been fine with it. Maybe I have an especial need to punish Alexander because he put his model into a burlap sack, and, having grown up on a farm, I know damn well the only thing that’s used for is animal feed. Yeah, Alexander blamed his model for actually having boobs, which was pretty shitty of him - you think that top didn’t fit because your model had curves? I don’t think so. Instead, he cut the leather up and put it on top, which is the only interesting part of the dress. He should have used it for a liner to hem the damn thing. What does this have to do with 2034? Nothing, that’s what.
But then there was Sean:
The shoes indicate there’s something fun on top - and then there isn’t. I’m currently watching American Hustle, and the hat makes me think Amy Adams might wear that in the movie at some point. But that’s forty years ago! Is the idea we’re going to cycle back through fashion in twenty years? I don’t get the belt at all, the dress is boring and the jacket is ill fitting. Just, so, so bad. It’s a toss-up though with Hernan:
What. She’s wearing a bra, that’s holding up diapers and the whole top falls down into a blowsy train. Is this like for whomever inherits Elvira’s intro to horror movies 2034? Or is it just horror fashion? Ugh, I don’t get it. And I’m only putting Amanda as the last of the worst because she has immunity, and she seriously annoyed me with her arch “Even the pants?” to the judges because YES EVEN THE PANTS AMANDA. Now, despite the fact that that made me want to shake her and doesn’t she get even more annoying as this show goes on? I gotta admit, I liked the pants. But not for this challenge! Why the 70s shit, everyone? What does that have to do with the future? So let’s talk about the top now. What. It’s a jog bra, under a gauzy overshirt, with B&D chains holding it all together. Seriously, what even.
Okay, so those just sucked and missed the entire point of the challenge.
And can I take a break to say, Tim totally fell down on his job this time. He should have been asking WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH THE FUTURE? Over and over and over again. Or was he and I missed it again? I feel like he should have walked around with a sign “2034, people!!” Like when he makes those big announcements to the group: You’re all letting me down! But again, here we see the limitations of the restrictions. They had one day to do all this - maybe the judges should give them more time to think about things as opposed to “here have twenty minutes to sketch and then we’re going to Mood!”
Anyway. In the middle were the looks I said, “Okay” to. I had absolutely no reaction, which in any other challenge would put them on the bottom, but since this challenge sucked so hard, here are the perfectly fine and forgettable looks:
Okay, Char.
See, this wasn’t as bad as many others. Negative infinity points for blubbering tho again. I didn’t think the pink was as hideous as Nina did. I like the pink better than Char’s blue, TBH. The skirt was definitely too short and those pleats were very unsuccessful. And I lol’d at the stewardess comment, because, you know, true. But this whole thing is much more “meh” than OMG NO of the four bottom looks, above.
I like the overcoat, but the crotch on the pants along with the capris length is all kinds of “yeah… not so much.” I don’t like the yellow, either. Too deconstructed bumblebee.
Kini is right on a level with Korina for some yes, some no:
I liked the cape a lot. Its fabric is way cool as well. But I hate the ties on the neckline of that shirt - and the pants are too long and shiny. I’m pretty sure skinny pants are going to be WAY out in twenty years. I don’t get how anything under the cape goes with the cape. I’d rather the model walked out in the cape and nothing else. Well, obviously not, but the underneath was all kinds of dismissal.
Samantha’s is the best of the middle. If she had tweaked this to an anime look, and argued the prevalence of Japanese/Asian fashion, she could have had something here.
But again, this is a perfectly fine look that any college level kid would wear now, minus whatever the hell that neck strangulation device is up to. It’s cuter than most, but completely grounded in 2014, not 2034.
Okay, onto what I liked personally. Starting with Fade:
Yes, I know, technically this is on a par with Samantha’s, but it’s one up because there’s no weird neck thing that doesn’t make sense. And it’s completely non-futuristic. The shoes are totally 2012, but it’s hard to do shoes for this challenge, so I’ll leave that. I just like this look. Again, for 2014. But I’d totally wear it. Even if I want to smash Fade every time he opens his mouth. Can’t stand the guy. I love that shirt. And as a look it makes sense.
Emily for me is comparable to Fade: all very nice but very 2014. The jumpsuit is so trendy right now I have no idea why anyone would do a jumpsuit without, I don’t know, a batman belt or something for all the Google devices. The coat was cool, I’m sorry we can’t really see it.
I know people will disagree with me, but I like this look. I thought it was funny, his spiel about Miami being underwater. I think a case could be made about streamlined fashion and stuff that survives getting wet. Although he might have put flip-flops on her and handed her an umbrella. OTOH, Nina would probably have slaughtered him for daring to have a sense of humor.
Okay, time to get Sandhya out of the way:
I like the pockets. And really, now that I look at it more, it does a have a sort of evocation of the 80s in the hopped-up shoulder line with that metal thing, only reinterpreted to something a futuristic person might think of. The cut of the dress is pretty boring and the whole thing is too costumey, tho, and it says so much about the performances of the other contestants that this won. I really don’t think it should have won, Kristina should have won:
I’m really sorry the jacket isn’t shown here on, cuz it’s cool. It evokes quilting in the fabric and the forearm cut-outs are different (you can see them to the side there). The dress is a fairly classic look so it’s more timeless than visionary, but it blows doors off Sandhya, IMO. Maybe next time, Kristina!
Well, hopefully the contestants will take note that they need to take more risks - as I said in the first post, the judges want different and interesting. All but three were boring, and only Sandhya and Kristina gave “different.”
Tell me what you think! I’m sure my rankings and personal attractions are going to be bullshit to some of you - I really want to know what you all think of Fade and Mitchell’s looks, in particular. And let’s pile on Amanda! Wasn’t she awful this week?