PR Ep 10
Apparently I’ve missed posting two weeks of shows while my school semester started and my job demanded all my attention. Why must we have lives outside the intertoobz and TVLand, why?
Spoilers for the last two weeks, under the cut.
I’m not going to post about last week’s episode, which was a terrible, terrible idea all round, no matter what Isaac M. had to say. But Isaac apparently is a bit of an idiot, who does not know that the moon is NOT a planet, as this unintentionally hilarious clip of his QVC conversations indicates: Including this:
Isaac: “The moon is a planet, darling… the moon is such a planet.”
Other host: “There was Uranus and there was Saturn and there was the one with the rings on it … alright here look, this is key lime.”
Isaac:“The moon is what? The moon is a natural satellite? What’s that mean? Is that what Google said? No, I don’t like that at all.”
if you watch the video, you see that even the model to the right of screen knows that this conversation is so stupid that she can’t keep her detached pose. I’m hiding my face in my hands, too, smart model-y person.
But man, I wish that clip had come out before the QVC challenge on PR was taped, since that is the challenge I’m going to be posting about.
In any case, no matter how much I agree with Isaac about fashion, his brains are decidedly suspect. And last week’s challenge must have been conceived by him because it was all style and sheer idiocy. The designers were challenged to make bridesmaid dresses for an actual wedding in one day. Yes, some moronic bride allowed Project Runway to give each designer free hand in each bridesmaid dress and only gave them the desired colors. Georgiana designed the wedding dress from Marchesa - you KNOW there was more than a day involved in that, and I bet the real wedding had dresses from Marchesa donated because there is no way anyone would consent to the travesty of a wedding performed on the runway immediately after elimination - Fabio was eliminated, FYI. Because isn’t there always a wedding after a sacrifice? The dresses were just as bad as you imagine they would be; there was no cohesion which is what should have been required - one big team challenge and all the dresses should have been on the same idea, or fabric, color, etc. If you want to be alternatively bored and gobsmacked by turn - Alyssa got an internet license to perform the ceremony. No. Seriously. - go watch because I just can't bring myself to waste time I don't have on something that bad.
Let’s instead talk about the episode the week before, the QVC challenge. The designers had to come up with separates for sale on QVC. You know this is a challenge to root out who should be in the final. And then, half way through designing, they were told they had to come up with a fashion forward dress to complement the separates look. Here are the results:
The separates are divine. The fashion forward look is a bit… contrived? The cutouts really work in that grey skirt but are too much in the jacket.
And I should point out, while the grey skirt is marvelous, I actually own a version of that skirt. I got it last year (or the year before?) from Kenneth Cole. The cutouts start in the second half - the top is a solid wool panel, but the liner goes to mid-thigh and then the cutouts play peekaboo with the rest of the leg. So it’s been done - not quite like this, but as soon as I saw this, I said, I own that skirt already. (And I adore it, it’s gorgeous.)
I like his ties, and I think it's a sweet, sugary look, but this is just plain boring overall. The top is too simply cut. I think it’s leather? So wrong fabric. And the shorts are boring. Boring, don’t have much else to say. Fabio made the print himself for the fashion forward look. How can you reproduce that in multiples? I like the tie, it’s sweet, but the rest of the dress is again, boring. The print does all the work but the dress is cut like a sac. I should point out that the backs of both these looks have interesting work, but the dress scoops up draping around her but like a weird toga thing, and the back of the separates’ shirt is 1) that print with 2) a leather piece along the top. It’s definitely Fabio, unexpected in the back, but for QVC an interesting cut to a basic look is required, not funky looks. He’s just not translating.
I hate the cut of the top of her separates. It’s shoved up and out in the front and hanging down in the back. It just looks awkward. The skirt is fine, but nothing special. And I guess her fashion forward look goes with the black detailing at the top of her top, but it’s just okay. A black cocktail-length dress for an opening night somewhere. Okay.
I know I’m going to be unpopular, but I liked Michelle’s - not for this challenge, maybe, but in general. I think the top for the ready-to-wear is cute, though the print… she maybe could have found a better print. But I like red and white a lot, but that beige isn't great. The backs, btw, are reverse prints to the front, so it’s all a bit much PRINT. The ready-to-wear should have had a solid skirt. I don’t see any average person wearing any of it, but it looks cool. But like Fabio, Michelle is not translating this week. This is probably a real test for the winner - they have to translate for QVC. That counts out Fabio and Michelle.
And I’m putting Dmitry somewhere in the middle - translating with a heavy accent? So not NOT translating, but it’s maybe hard to see what he’s saying, at least for the ready-to-wear. That top is more fashion forward, IMO. The separates are a bit, not odd exactly, but he used neoprene and lace, and I don’t see that as a particularly good fabric choice here for separates for a QVC sale. Cotton and wool, people! Lace is tough with that - it comes off more fussy than whimsical on looks this severe, although I like how the yellow dress carried it. The forward look is, well, not very forward but okay and definitely Dmitry. The blue skirt would probably be okay to sell on QVC but the top is cut too severely to carry that lace accent.
I really don’t like the fashion forward look. The mullet thing is doing nothing for me, personally; it’s cut way too high in front. And I don’t get how the looks go together. The separates are awful. The top is just way too simple and the pants are a horrible fabric that isn’t cut to hang right. They look bad on that skinny model! All bunching. Can you imagine on a real person? Bunching, clinging, and creeping up the crotch.
So the top and bottom are easy this week for me: Sonjia on top, Jay going home. The middle is up in the air for me. They’re all either too THEM (Fabio, Dmitry, Michelle) or not enough THEM (Helen). So just in terms of who I like, and screw the challenge, I rank: Michelle, Dmitry, then Fabio and Helen at the middle ranking. I do figure Michelle is going to get blistered here.
The guest judges are George K. lately of Fashion Police (he’s a stylist who is coming out with his new line, which answers why he’s not continuing on FP), and the QVC exec.
Ga: Georgina, G: George, A: Alysas, I: Isaac
Dmitry: Georgina loves it, but thinks the forward look is better than the separates. Isaac just sees pretty dresses. The QVC lady is Hmm. George likes the looks. Alyssa thinks Dmitry has good understanding of female body.
Fabio: George: not very fashion forward. Ga: Feels young. A: Probably sellable. QVC: Too simple, we have lots of that. I: The dress is “overthought.” They’re “irrelevant.” Ouch.
Sonjia: A: Loves it all. I: Beyond! Gorgeous. Ga: The hip of the forward look needs work. QVC: Stunning.
Helen: Ga: Good color combo, retro/modern. George: Not gonna work off the model. I: Black dress is gorgeous, also more saleable. A: Timeless dress.
Michelle: I: Print goes “duty-free.” Ugly. Ga: I like the attitude, not the print. QVC: Can’t figure out if I like it. Good puffy sleeves. G: Both are forward, love the prints.
Jay: G: Fabric for pants all wrong, messy. A: Top cool. Ga: Silk would have worked better. QVC: Like the color, but don’t go together. I: Dress is too heavy, but the hemline “unforgiveable.”
Here's how the judges talked about the work without the contestants present:
Dmitry: Skirt would work, beautiful, Isaac not sure which is the fashion forward, blue is more FF.
Helen: Love the dress, but the looks don't make sense together.
Sonjia: Nailed the two pieces. Fabric use good. Lots of mistakes in the dress, but fresh approach.
Michelle: Print selection causes an argument between the judges. I don't think they hate the look per se, but the print is controversial.
Jay: Who would think the pants were good? Why not tapered/hemmed? In not fixing issues, Jay seems to have said, “I’ve given up.”
Fabio: Not fashion forward. The color seems irrelevant.
In the end, Sonjia wins, and Jay is gone.
The episode after this one, Fabio is in the bottom for the what, fourth time? And finally that dooms him as well. But I'm sorry, the bridesmaid challenge is too boring to post on, though I will certainly discuss it if anyone wants?
What did you all think?