the eagle has landed

Oct 26, 2007 22:49

  • I <3 Buddy! Only he would be cheesy enough to call Coach with "The eagle has landed" trying to be all covert. Hilarious!
  • How much do I love Aaron Pierce as Papa Clarke? So much. He's just perfect.
  • "Can you at least buy me a couple of tacos?" Bwahahaha! I love Tim's utter cluelessness & one track mind on *memories* and the like. It wouldn't have been a trip to Mexico for Rig if he didn't get thrown in jail, though this trip was tamer than I thought it would be.
  • Tim & Jason karaoking in Mexico was very funny. But then also poignant. JASON! *tear*
  • Also, kinda loved Tim calling Lyla.
  • And, yes, I loved Lyla helping the Juvi guy, and Buddy too. I really hope it doesn't backfire.
  • LOVED Tyra going to the Clarkes' for dinner, so normal, which is so not Tyra.
  • Also, LOVED seeing Angela again. I really rather adore Tyra's mom. I also enjoyed seeing Stripper Sis again, even.
  • The Julie stuff was weird, it felt like they just decided to abandon BratJulie and have her go back to being nice. Though the driving lessons totally brought back memories. They totally reminded me of mine with my mom & dad. The irritation, the lack of patience, the almost getting killed because I didn't see something in my blind spot, check all of the above.
  • Also, that was the supidest offensive game plan pretty much ever. Coach Mc--- (can't remember his name, should have gotten fired just for the stupidity of that game plan. Smash should have been suggesting they mix it up, try some play action or something, because him getting killed wasn't going to do anything for his recruiting hopes.
Not the greatest episode. But the most important part was fantabulous, THE HAIR IS BACK IN DILLON BLUE!@!!!! SO EXCITED, I totally squeeled! The troops are restless, but I know you'll get them in line, cause you're Coach! Screw you McWhatever, you don't belong in Dillon, go back to Tennessee!

Oh, and the new promo pics for ep 8, I think, make me happy for some reason. That's totally the 290-183 intersection where some of them were taken. I particularly love the 1st, 3rd & 4th ones.

PS ~ to someone that might know, where does one find FNL caps? I'm looking for a good pic of Tyra's s2 hair and seem unable to find a cap gallery.

fnl ep

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