I tried to put
wga_supporters on my flist, but it updates every 5 seconds, so maybe not.
- I LOVE the boys! Yes I do. So much love for that scene at the end of the episode.
- Tim & His priorities! Heee!
- Could that gal have been more obvious if she tried with Matt? The whole thing just reeked of ewwwww. Though I didn't feel sorry for Julie, I'm cold like that.
- Oh Buddy. He's just a classic.
- I know I should have so much sympathy for the girl's soccer coach, and I probably would have if she weren't so annoying. As it stands, not so much.
- Jealous Coach is fantastic!
- Tim having dinner w/ Smash's family is possibly better. So much love for Mama askin' him if he wanted pie.
- The Riggins' boys & the breast pump, hilarity. Love for that whole scene.
- Very surprised by what Aaron Pierce did when he realized what Landry had done. Very surprised. It is manslaughter, after all, not murder.
Not a great episode, but solid and enjoyable which I will happily take.