gracias! es la parte de adentro del disco de christian. En realidad es un bastidor redondo lo que hice pintado, y le agregue con adobe illustrator la parte cuadrada y las ojitas. Je.
tqm ira! te llamo en el fin de semana o el lunes para arreglar lo de vernos en la semana si?
jenny, I am in the website of pnca right now (I actually looked into it when I was still in the US)and it actually seems like a very nice school, but the thought of being so far away from my family scares me. On the other hand, the idea of going to a school were someone I already know is attending seems very nice to me, especially since I don't know hardly anyone in the US and have no friends there. I guess I would be a bit more advanced than you though, because I already took one semester where I acquired 18 credits to my name (yes, I think in other schools that aren't the design slaughter house that parsons is don't even allow that), plus some liberal arts stuff from Argentina, but I don't even know if they take that. I am actually in school right now, in the public university in Argentina, but most art schools don't transfer the classes I am taking, or at least I don't think, because they are so specifically liberal arts classes: Semiotics, Economics and Introduction to Cientific Thought and Reasoning. I don't even know if I should
( ... )
Comments 11
tqm ira!
te llamo en el fin de semana o el lunes para arreglar lo de vernos en la semana si?
un beso
Me encantan los bordes tambien
i hope you are well.
te queria escribir una cartita porque ando pensando en vos, pero todos mis mails rebotan! Pasame tu direccion de mail!
mi nueva direccion es:
te quiero mucho,
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