Semi-DisagreesiliddarJanuary 15 2006, 06:10:40 UTC
about 60% disagree.
Some shit he does is stupid as fuck. The Homosexual constitutional amendment thing, not telling people about the WMD's we (including myself personally) have found no matter how damning it would be to other contries (France), and NOT punching michael moore in the fucking face./
However, he has been known to kick ass from time to time, such as not giving that BITCH Cindy Sheenan the time of day, giving me a 5%, a 4% and then a 5% raise yearly in the last three years, raising my life insurane from 250,000 to 600,000 (450,000 + 150,000 for being deployed), Bringing my imminent Danger pay from 250 to 700 a month (they bonus pay I get for getting shot at on a regular basis, because getting shot at ain't fun) and keeping Cheyney around. Because Cheyney kicks ass.
Comments 5
Some shit he does is stupid as fuck. The Homosexual constitutional amendment thing, not telling people about the WMD's we (including myself personally) have found no matter how damning it would be to other contries (France), and NOT punching michael moore in the fucking face./
However, he has been known to kick ass from time to time, such as not giving that BITCH Cindy Sheenan the time of day, giving me a 5%, a 4% and then a 5% raise yearly in the last three years, raising my life insurane from 250,000 to 600,000 (450,000 + 150,000 for being deployed), Bringing my imminent Danger pay from 250 to 700 a month (they bonus pay I get for getting shot at on a regular basis, because getting shot at ain't fun) and keeping Cheyney around. Because Cheyney kicks ass.
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