Today has been very rough x __ x And I have rough days to see ahead.
This morning, I wake up to find that
yes, my period has finally arrived. After what, three or four months of not coming. I think Mother Nature made up for this fact by giving me more flow than usual. My underwear and pajamas were red, and I had to wash them out in the shower. Grahhh Mother Nature.
I'm at least glad that it finally came. Now I now I'm back to normal, I guess. If it was because of stress or my probable iron-deficiency (not anemia, I discovered! There's a difference!), or if it was both, I'll never know.
I woke up two hours earlier than I needed to, because today was my first class of summer school-- I had breakfast and it was really weird eating it in the new apartment. The apartment is a five minute or so walk from the campus, so my room mate and I walked there together before we parted to go to our respective classes. I brought my scooter along because I figured I could give it a test run, seeing as I haven't used it since I was little.
After the class ended (a science class, btw-- The Physical Environment), I popped out my scooter and headed to my school bookstore, to see if I could pick up a job application there. On the way, there's a really steep hill going down. I've ridden it down before with my bike, and I thought I'd do the same with the scooter.
I hit a bump at the end of the hill and went flying. All I remember is my face sliding against the concrete. When I sat up, all I felt was stinging pain on the right side of my face and my chest. Some people nearby were kind enough to help me, and one of them was a bio major counselor, she was so sweet. She called the paramedics for me, though the firetruck people came to help first. A policeman took my info too o __ o I was worried I'd get in trouble for not having a helmet, but he just gave me a friendly lecture. Which is good, because I don't think I would have been able to handle much more at that moment.
I got carted off to my school's health center in one of those golf cart thingies. The guy driving didn't know how to get there 8T When I finally got there, there was a problem with the insurance-- that being that I didn't have the school's insurance (I'm under a different insurance company), so they couldn't reimburse me if they looked at me. So I waited a while for my parents to come up and take me to the hospital, bless them.
After a lot of waiting, I got gurney'd over to a room where I got my head CAT-scanned (the sounds the machinery made made me think I was traveling through time), and after more waiting, my doctor proclaimed that my bones were alright. There was a little fracture, maybe, but it would heal on its own.
And so ever since I got back to the apartment four hours ago, I've been nursing this swelling balloon that is my eye and cheek with ice. My right boob got scratched up, but it's mostly my face that hurts now. Hopefully the swelling will go down soon...
Because I'm going to be cosplaying at a con next weekend, but yes, also because this is painful.