SSHG Exchange Preferences

May 21, 2011 19:56

~joins the choir of singing fangirls~

In art, my only request would be that you not use Alan Rickman and Emma Watson as likenesses, either together or separately.

I don't want to limit you too much with fic, and reading my list of likes/dislikes should give you a good idea as to my tastes. To augment that a bit, though, let me just say that I like a well drawn story that's emotionally honest. Be true to the characters you've created. Witty dialogue and complicated plot devices are fun, but only so far as they are true to the story and the characters. Nothing beats a story that gets you in the gut. In this realm, heart > head.

All this to say: play to your strengths, write a story that you're in love with, and we'll be good to go. Hopefully I've provided diverse enough prompts that one of them will strike your writing "sweet spot," as it were. And don't be afraid to get flexible. As long as you avoid my Dislikes pile (and I feel quite strongly about those), let your Muse take you into any territory you like, and don't worry about having to fulfill every detail of every prompt.

My prompts can range anywhere from PG to R, and you may not be planning to include any sex, which is totally okay by me. But if you're thinking about it, know that when I said I'd welcome sensuality in a loving, committed relationship, I meant it. As a fangirl, I have read pretty much everything, but since this is a personal gift, I'm requesting that any sex be within the confines I personally prefer: between two people who are very much in love and confident in a longstanding commitment.

Oh - and a reference to coffee is never misplaced.

P.S. Just to have it in a convenient place, here's a refresher of my preferences -

The "I'd rather not receive" pile
Anything above an R rating, graphic sex/violence, non or dub-con, kinks, threesomes, vampires, student/teacher fic (even if she's of age), slash, angst for the sake of angst, any kind of dead Snape (or Hermione), Voldemort wins, hurt/comfort, pregnancy fic.

The "Bring it on!" pile
Romance, drama, elements of angst and/or humor. I can do mystery, realism, and am comfortable with "open" endings as well as happy ones. Addendum: that is to say, if the Muse refuses to tie up a HEA with a bow, that's okay. Open ended and realistic yet optimistic endings are lovely. Lariope's Dark Santiago is a personal favorite, if that gives you a point of reference.

sshg exchange

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