And the memeing continues...

May 03, 2005 01:51

I got this from keyacko. Mellie, here's the answers ^_~

#1 What got you hooked on FMA?
#2 What do you enjoy most about the Royai pairing?
#3 What place would you most like to visit and why?
#4 Why did you choose the Spike/Faye vs Spike/Julia?
#5 If you could be any of the deadly sins, which would you be and what would be your “power?”

#6 How are all your fics comming? XD j/k <3

1: The alchemy... The crack and flare of the transmutations, especially in the battle sequences, I was hooked from the beginning!

2: It's that unspoken element. In the series, it's all glances and insinuation. There is just enough implied and just enough hidden. It's electric, even when it's angsty. *shivers* I love it.

3: Ooo, wow. Just one... Then, I'll say Rome. I never got the chance to visit in my spare time when I was living/interning over in London last year ;_; As to why, it's mainly a cultural thing. The atmosphere, the people. Warm and alive. And then of course there's the ruins and the art! And the food and the wine! *sighs* Yes, Rome. Either that or I'd also love to see Japan, like, all of it!! And Thailand, South Africa, China, Greece, and India, too... *needs to earn money so she can travel more*

4: I like the dynamic between Faye and Spike better. It's feistier; there seems to be more of that 'are they/aren't they' tension there >=)

5: Oh, you know what, the bad girl in me would want to be Envy for the shapeshifting ability. Oh the possibilies! XD

Bonus-->6: I'm cleaning up the rough edges of Unresolved 3 now... It'll be up sometime this week, hopefully. I'm also almost done with a Martel/Havoc piece that I should get up soon for fma_500 as well. Depending on how much time I get. Work's been killing me the last couple weeks ><;; *whimpers* I've been so slow!

Wanna be interviewed by me?
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
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