Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks.
Well, you guys don't know jack about me so I might scare you off! But here goes...
1. My worst habit is procrastination. I once wrote a term paper in the two hours before it was due. All in one shot. On an electric typewriter. (kind of showing my age here...)
2. However, I was a very good student. Only got 2 points knocked off that term paper.
3. I have a two-year college degree. Back then I didn't have the confidence to keep going.
4. I was almost born in the elevator at the hospital. I'm the last of the lot and by the time Mom had me she figured she had the timing of when to go to the hospital down pat. Geez, Mom. The doctor didn't even make it!
5. Give me a horse and I am a happy camper.
6. I am such a night owl and I always pay for it the next day.
7. Here's my guilty secret - one of my all-time favorite shows is Xena. Moving on quickly...
8. My three main drinks are milk, water & OJ. And here's the weird part, when I'm eating a meal I don't drink anything until I'm done eating (unless it's spicy). I know this is strange and damned if I can figure out why I do it!
9. I've met one celebrity - Bruce Campbell. I went to a book signing and he did a Q&A before hand where he was just hysterical. When I got to talk to him, he was really sweet.
10. I'm addicted to Haagen Dazs caramel cone ice cream.
Not tagging anyone, but I'll be dropping by to read everyone else's stuff!