I’m going to try and put the pictures up at some point. I’m assuming I have to scan them, right? From what they said, the only ones available on the Creation site would be the ones that were unclaimed on the con.
Jewel Staite:
Jewel was my first. Very sweet lady. She’s taller than me in the picture, but only because of those SUPER high heels! She didn’t talk much. In fact, for me, Jewel and Joe were the quiet ones when we were one-on-one.
Torri Higginson:
Torri is just so great. When I came up she shook my hand and asked my name (Roxanne) and said that’s pretty. All my poses are the typical arms around each other and Torri has a pretty good grip (although there was one guy who beat her. *g*). So after the picture she says, Do people sing to you a lot? My response - If I only had a dollar! She told me I should start charging people that. LOL
Paul McGillion:
Paul is the one who surprised me the most this weekend. He was having the best time! (Maybe celebrating his new little one?) He greeted every person with a big hug.
Michael Shanks:
Oh Michael. He’s the one who really held you tight. The photographer didn’t like my first picture, so this was my do-over. Even while waiting for the photographer to check the pictures, Michael didn’t let go. *fans self*
Joe Flanigan:
I had two disappointments during the weekend and unfortunately they both relate to Joe. (Nothing was his fault of course.) My picture with Joe is the only one of the five I don’t like. I blame the lady who was shooing us out after the picture was taken. She was in a gawd awful hurry and I noticed the photographer was still looking at my picture, but she wanted me out. After seeing the picture, I was not happy. So lesson learned - DO NOT let them rush you out until you know the picture is okay. Maybe he wouldn’t have taken another, but I’ll never know. As for Joe, one look in those eyes and I was a goner. Didn’t notice how warm he is or the lack of body hair. I think he said hi, how are you? I don’t know. LOL The eyes close up just did me in. *swoons*