How this works: Comment with your favorite color and I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better. Update your journal with the answers to the questions. Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.
These questions are from
Featuring Narnia and assorted fiction )
Comments 5
What exactly draws you to Foxface? I found her intriguing, certainly, but if I hadn't already known you liked her I don't think I'd have thought about her much.
The questions:
1: What sort of tea is your favorite?
2: Do you drink it from a teacup or a mug?
3: What is one of your favorite words?
4: How do you spell gray/grey?
5: What is one of your favorite Bible verses?
But if you lived in Hobbiton, you could have a Hobbit hole and all the food you wanted. ;) ;))
Questions for you...
1. Describe a favorite accessory or article of clothing.
2. Someone you follow on tumblr who's not on NarniaWeb or LJ?
3. Who is [one of] your favorite historical character[s]?
4. What is the most lofty reading goal you can imagine?
5. What is one of your favorite Bible verses?
Took me long enough.
Oh, yay, thank you! :D Don't worry about the delay. I'm going to try to fill out this meme a lot faster than I did the last one you gave me. :">
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