In religion there's a term called "Crisis of Faith", questioning your beliefs. I guess you could say that right now I'm having a "Crisis of Diet
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1 temptation at a time. I work around every sort of food I'm not suppose 2 b eating right now (and it's my job 2 taste this stuff). So everytime some1 offers it 2 me, I simply say "No thanks" and KEEP WALKING. I never even give myself the opportunity 2 enjoy the smell or sight. This happens at least 5 times a day. If I see it in the breakroom, I turn right back around and walk out. I will very quickly pound a large glass of water and turn my mind 2 something else.
When done right, weight loss is a very difficult process. Any1 who will tell U otherwise has likely been skinny their whole lives because they won the genetic lottery.
i'm sorry this is so difficult, but if you wan make it through this then you will be proving to yourself that you control your mind and your cravings and not the other way around. Doing a liquid diet must be crazy hard and I really admire you for sticking to something that you want to succeed in no matter what. you are awesome <3
i didn't hear about kevin: the musical. When is it?
DO NOT ALIENATE YOURSELF FROM THE SMELLS. It's a problem that a lot of people have - they will remove themselves from what they enjoy to stay away. Then comes the "omg, I can't do this anymore!!" Which is the problem I had on the low-carb thing. It's not that I needed or wanted carbs, it's that I couldn't have them. What kept me sane? Crutons. Hey I lost a good chunk of weight that I've kept off until just before the wedding.
Just think, "Yum! I love french fries. But they're really greasy and will make me very ill."
Comments 3
When done right, weight loss is a very difficult process. Any1 who will tell U otherwise has likely been skinny their whole lives because they won the genetic lottery.
i didn't hear about kevin: the musical. When is it?
Then comes the "omg, I can't do this anymore!!" Which is the problem I had on the low-carb thing. It's not that I needed or wanted carbs, it's that I couldn't have them. What kept me sane? Crutons. Hey I lost a good chunk of weight that I've kept off until just before the wedding.
Just think, "Yum! I love french fries. But they're really greasy and will make me very ill."
My new weakness? Sugar free jello.
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