Title: Family Conspiracy: The Love Game Chapter Five
ladyaltaPairing: Ohmiya, Yama, Juntoshi, Ohba, Ohma, OhnoxKame
Genre: AU
Rating: PG
Summary: Ohno Satoshi’s sister has come up with a crazy plan. She conspires with their family behind his back to get him a husband. Will their plan fail or succeed?
Word Count: 1,377 words
Disclaimer: I own
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Comments 32
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thanks for reading and commenting! :)
Well ok. As long as it's happy end Ohmiya AND you are taking more detailed route for Ohmiya. Well cause Everyone else actually feel like a breeze. Just like that. Anyway, I would like you to update soon but then again I do not want you to update soon too. Lol. Cause I'm in a mid term exams these 2 weeks and YOU, You are seducing me with these Ohmiya delicacy. Haha kidding!
Anyway Cause reality was grabbing my neck at the moment(I feel like a flailing cat dangling by the hands of evil human Lol), I kinda distracted.
I will most certainly read and comment but I just wish I can properly absorb the story just like when I got free time. Hmmmm..
Maou pair are cute!!
thanks for reading and commenting!
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