Hey, guys.
It's Sunday, guys.
I'ma be like Celinra and helpfully number everything for easy reference.
1 - "That's doable!" What is? Charles is?...sorry, I had to go there. Back to the shipping corner I go. Nathan has a catch-phrase, now. For the duration of one episode. Much like Charles's assistants.
2 - I, uh. Kind of like Murderface's almost-handlebar mustache. It's zazzy.
3 - Aw, poor Toki...and look, he's still on snack-duty. And it only just occurred to me that he probably switched over to healthy snacks because he really did give himself diabetes back in the first season.
4 - "Are you racist?"...I bet that guy has a Tumblr.
5 - Why is everything Charles says so hilarious? Seriously, now. I was cracking up at just his "...hi" last week.
6 - "I love ethnics! Mexican...food. Chinese food. Black...uh...licorice." Oh, Nathan.
7 - "When I'm walking through certain neighborhoods, I mind my wallet around...some people." I'm laughing much, much harder than I ought to be over all of these racism jokes. And at least half of that is over the thought of Tumblr collectively shitting itself in rage.
8 - Aww, Charles is worried about Toki's feelings. Charles is a good daddy-mommy.
9 - It's good to know Toki still daydreams in autotuned rainbows. Noticeable lack of skulls and demons in this one, though. Colorful animal friends, but not so much as a Lucky Charms dragon.
10 - Aw, Toki still has a picture of Aslaug on his bedroom wall. Ah, erm, terrifying, staring picture of Aslaug.
11 - I would totally participate in Kitty Whiskers Monday. Just puttings dat out deres. Suits of Armor Friday, too, if I could afford armor.
12 - "We made a mistake. And you know how much I hate to aplogize, so you get the idea." Oh, Nathan.
13 - Special Persons Invite Club. Oh, Toki. It's not much of a tension-builder if you invite everyone except Murderface immediately after telling them they can't join without an invite.
14 - Nathan's facial expressions. They delight me. I love you, improved animation quality.
15 - Toki's obviously still mad about Murderface ditching him last season to play Dadderface to Skwisgaar. Headcanon.
16 - "Gentlemen." He says it every meeting, but suddenly, all I can think is, "How'd we never notice it before? That freakin' Senator's a SPY!" ...and no, I'm not being serious, that's a TF2 reference, not a conspiracy theory, just so we're all clear.
17 - The Tribunal's blank, silent staring...fuck I can't stop laughing. On par with "Purple Alert" laughing.
18 - The Tribunal suspects that Edgar Jomfru is being held prisoner in Mordhaus. And he is. Oh no.
19 - Thanks to dramatic red-lit ominous foreshadowy!Charles, we now know that whales attempted to communicate with the band back in season one, and that it's significant. HI, PLOT.
20 - I love how one of the activities Toki's arranged for his club is going to a pet store and playing with cats. And wearing silly hats in the hot tub.
21 - "It's a vicious world that makes a man choose between his mustache and a Special Persons Invite Club." Seriously, though, I like the mustache. It's bushy like a walrus's mustache. Murderface could be a Mythbuster.
22 - All I can think of now is the awful, awful slick spot in the shower after Murderface washes all of that pomade and butter out of his hair.
23 - Charles. When he's not being dramatic and badass and spooky and foreshadowy, he's deadpan and hilarious. I'm so glad he still gets screentime.
24 - Pickles, we've seen the uncensored DVDs. You do NOT need extra room.
25 - The second Murderface slipped with the mustache-trimmer, I started howling, because I knew what was coming.
26 - "Holy shits, we looks like the fucking Klans! D:" I love that it was Skwisgaar for whom the lightbulb clicked first imagine bigger lips on that emoticon.
27 - A giant lowercase "t." OH HEY THERE TUMBLR-LOGO. Oh, Brendon. Ohhhhhh, Brendon.
28 - "Toki, your special outfits, while very comfortable, are going to get us all killed." I saw it coming, but I laughed all of the laughs anyway.
29 - "Oh dear God." No wait, I still had laughs left for Charles.
...and next week Nathan and Pickles go on a Friender-Bender!