I'm actually not sure what to make of this episode...the previews looked like we were in for loads of plot and drama, and instead we got...Dethklok mistaken for ladies. I was expecting loads of plot and drama. I was prepared for plot and drama. This is less distressing, but kind of anticlimactic.
1 - "And our home was pillaged to bring forth the dark soul." ...hey Werner Herzog, we missed you last week. And oh, hey, Team Falconback, you're making an early appearance this episode, and oh my gods plot. So, evidently, killing troops in a desert was necessary, and it sure looks like they were protecting something, and I'm just going to call "seeking protected ancient ruins hey remember Salacia in the bone armor from the visions maybe they're looking for his temple or something" as a possibility right now and save some time.
2 - Nathan can't drag the economy out of its downward spiral because he has writer's block. Oh hey, almost a title-drop.
3 - Knubbler! Hey, Knubbler, long time no see! How're things in cyborg-producer land? Apparently they're going great, because there's a scatily-clad lady rubbing all over you.
4 - Everyone has a groupie (or two), except Toki. Toki has a bunny. Of course Toki has a bunny.
5 - They have a phone that's only used when somebody's going to get fired. Huhn.
6 - Knubbler's fired? D: But he's been there since the second episode! He's been there since the episode that is probably infinitely more relevent than anyone originally thought what with "they picks up the whales saying hello" and all that. ...oh, and hi, Charles, I suspect we won't be seeing you again this episode, since you always sort of vanish when Knubbler's around.
7 - Pickles is holding a grudge against Nathan, like, whoa.
8 - Knubbler's been fired and replaced by a pretty lady producer. Pretty sure I've read that fanfic. And Miss Abigail's Tribunal-introduction sounds rather like Twinkletits's introduction.
9 - Toki sleeps with a cute little mask, and Skwisgaar appeared to have a man in his orgy. Also, Toki's "jacking off" face is the same as his "I has a coloring books" face. Make of that what you will.
10 - I love how you apparently can't have a "secret meeting" in this universe without appearing in a very public place with a baseball cap.
11 - No, Knubbler, you are not good with women. Didn't you melt a coworker's face with acid? That's not charming.
12 - "Oh, pretty hair. Like my mommy!" "...uhhh. Thank you." Oh, Nathan.
13 - Dethklok being mistaken for beautiful ladies probably shouldn't make me snicker as much as it does.
14 - I'm leery of this Abigail, but she makes some great faces.
15 - ...and Knubbler's on fire.
16 - This is, uh, kind of the point where everyone would call Charles, isn't it? Did they not bring their Dethphones? Or did Charles just not pick up? And if Charles didn't pick up, is he busy with Secret Dead Man Plot Stuff, or is it a "if I bail you out now, you'll never learn" deal? At any rate, it's pretty clear at this point that Abigail set this up for reasons.
17 - Look at everyone else flinching away from Nathan and Pickles's screaming match. Even Skwisgaar's flinching.
18 - And so, Dethklok found themselves kidnapped as sex-slaves to some...stereotypically third-world...giant...guy. Still being mistaken as pretty ladies despite being seven days unwashed and unshaved. Even Skwisgaar has stubble! Skwisgaar barely has any body hair at all, where'd it come from?
19 - "...I have a mustache." Oh, Murderface.
20 - Apparently the only thing you need to break through writer's block is a set of giant third-world genitalia in your face. Also, let's take a moment to note that Nathan's roughly 6'4". How tall is this guy?
21 - ...who wants to bet that there's visible penis in that shot on the DVDs? That expectant sprawl looked hastily photoshopped.
22 - Ooh, badass, vengeful ladies. I am okay with this turn of events.
23 - The moral of the story is, if you degrade women, women will shoot your dick off and a tiger will eat you, and it will be very glowy and colorful.
24 - And Abigail hired Knubbler on as an engineer. Does this mean Abigail's sticking around as a character, now? I'm not sure how to feel about that. On the one hand, there's not exactly a surplus of female characters on the show, but on the other hand, if all she does is appear for two seconds to be sexy and roll her eyes at some stupidity or kick someone in the balls for trying to cop a feel, things will get really old really fast. Or she's a mole.
25 - ...and next week, Toki goes to camp while Pickles is naked in what appears to be Nathan's bed with a naked Skiwsgaar and Murderface cuddled up to him. Thank you, and good night.