So glad to see this story updated. It's such an interesting idea and I love wat you've done here in creating the other sunnydale. And, of course, your characterization of all but especially Buffy is such a pleasure to read. I really liked that final image and moment even with Buffy sleeping. So lovely. I'm really eager to see more.
Thank you so much for that. The Wishverse was always such a fascinating episode to me, to see the canon conception of Sunnydale flipped on its head always intrigued me. And I'm always unsure if I'm getting Buffy right - it's easy to lose her voice sometimes, so I appreciate that comment.
it's been a (long) while since I took a peek at your site, and what do I find? updates of a fabulous story I started reading...don't remember when, but that it was good, and on new year nonetheless. what a present from a great author like you :) thank you and happy new year! will be looking for more...;) Maia
I've been spotty on LJ of late and so have been going back in time on people I've friended to see what fic I missed.
You've got Season 6 Buffy and Spike squarely pegged and a great set up. The Wishverse was always so perversely fun. I liked that you didn't take the easy out and have Giles simply help them. This Giles would be very suspicious and not stupid. This story is so a keeper! I hope you get back to it some time.
Seeing a new story of yours at Seasonal Spuffy was such a wonderful treat that I just had to stop by and read some old favs. Your Season Six voices are so terrific in this story.
Comments 15
You've got Season 6 Buffy and Spike squarely pegged and a great set up. The Wishverse was always so perversely fun. I liked that you didn't take the easy out and have Giles simply help them. This Giles would be very suspicious and not stupid. This story is so a keeper! I hope you get back to it some time.
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