Jul 03, 2009 09:08
Oh Dod! I am sooooo bored! Stoopid temp job stoopid!
Jun 08, 2009 09:28
Hello Monday... may I ask a favor? Please don't kick me...and ummmm... don't kick my friends either... kthxbai
May 29, 2009 23:19
I spent a verrah fabulous birfday evening with some verrah fabulous people and now I shall have some verrah fabulous... sleep... ;-p
May 29, 2009 11:47
At my temp job... all tasks complete... guarding phone... bored out of my mind! ;-p
May 26, 2009 15:21
Sitting on the front porch swing... enjoying the downpour...
May 25, 2009 21:32
Watching old Land of the Lost episodes on Sci Fi... we are so CGI spoiled these days ;-p
May 22, 2009 21:54
So I have seen the Star Trek movie...and yes... I liked it... alot... not cuz it was different but cuz in spirit it was true to the original
May 21, 2009 21:49
The gaming company THQ has (as a publicity thing) presented Queen Elizabeth with her very own... gold-plated...wii console & controller
May 19, 2009 11:01
TCSC I woke up about 47.3 degrees off center today... can't find my feet... metaphorically speaking
May 15, 2009 15:11
% apparently... if you want it to rain the secret is to let the dogs out... sigh... guess I better bring 'em in ;-p