UPDATE 2011/12/06 To Everyone Who's Packages Were Supposed To Ship Today: My bicycle was stolen today so on my lunch I will have to go to the shop and purchase a new one (this is the fourth time in three years, btw!!). I will have the remaining packages out tomorrow morning ASAP, since the post offices will be closed by the time I get off of work
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Comments 124
Thank you ^_^
Let me know your location and I can give you the available shipping options.
I live in Portugal!
If they were MSD or SD heads, they would be much bigger than the mini heads and mini body, and would be a lot more expensive than only 500yen >.<'
I have: Pullip
Veritas (almost full complete, no custom except Eye chips)
Nah-ato (custom face-up)
two other custom pullips, white skin, but I forget the models.
(I also have stock outfits, for Uncanricky, Naah-ato, Veritas and Kirche)
I also have Taeyangs (three no custom, two custom), their stock outfits, and one Dal (custom).
If you might be interested, feel free to email me ( chyuko.rock@gmail.com ) and I can send pictures.
I havent had enough time lately to make new selling posts >.< plus I've been busy working on some new BJDs.
Are you wanting stock face-up, custom face-up or bait?
Do you need an eye mech or no? If no, then I have a couple of heads still available (that I haven't bought mechs or acrylic eyes for yet). Taeyang and Pullip.
If you need eye mechs with a bait, then no. I only have the completed customs. I do not have any bait pullip heads that include eye mechs.
You are more than free to change or completely remove the customs, of course, but they would be sold as customs, not baits.
I'm looking for a normal Skin Taeyang body that I could use for a Gyro head.
Could you sell any one in normal tone to me?
How much would it cost and how much whould shipping to Portugal be?
Thank you :)
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