my audition for an inception RP

Sep 28, 2010 03:04

This is just an audition for the Inception RP pasiv_ooc... You don't have to read this, honestly. It's just too long for the comment page. LOL.

I hope this is allowed. If it's not, that's cool. This is just something I've been giving a lot of thought to, and I hope it's okay. This is a spin-off of an OC in a fic I wrote.

Name: Luca Damascus
Official Title: The Rescuer (someone who rescues others who are trapped in dreams)
Age: 24
Totem: A whistle- in reality, it's a sharp, jarring sound. In a dream, it sounds differently. She wears it around her neck on a metal link chain.

Physical Appearance: Everything about Luca is average on first impression. Luca stands at average height, somewhere between 5'3'' and 5'5''. She has long, dark hair and deep brown eyes. She is of average weight, and her curves indicate she is very much a woman. Luca often blends into the scenery as just another person, nothing special about her. Yet when looking her in the face, something is off. It could be that her face shows nothing of her emotions. It could be that her eyes are too wide, or maybe that's just the mascara and eyeliner. It could be that the rest of her face has no makeup to accentuate it. It could be that the way she wears her clothes is too simple for her demeanor. And when (and if) she speaks, one thinks that maybe that odd quality is the way she talks- a strange blend of all places foreign. Something is off about her, and it makes people either uncomfortable or too at ease. It is at this moment, and only at this point, that someone might call her beautiful.
Her clothes are almost always devoid of brashness as she prefers muted colors and comfortable fabrics. She never wears anything that makes her feel uncomfortable. Nothing too showy, and nothing too tight.
She has a tattoo that spans from her right hip, up her side to her shoulder blade, and ending where her arm meets her shoulder. It looks like vines, but on closer inspection, they are words in Arabic, French, Spanish, English, and other languages. The tattoo took a lot of time and effort to complete. However, not many people have been given the privilege of seeing the full ink.

Personality: As a loner, Luca can be defined as unconventional and open-minded. She rarely cares what other people think of her or of her actions, and she speaks her mind only when she feels it is warranted. She does what she believes is right. She has a strong moral compass, but that does not mean she is rigid. Luca is overly-accepting, easygoing, and breezy, loving to laugh. She rarely loses her temper, even when angry. Although friendly, she rarely has time to make and keep friends due to her lifestyle. She travels the globe for her work by herself, not working on a team. However, when she makes friends, she is extremely loyal and fiercely protective. The key to knowing if she trusts you or not is if she lets you know her first name- she is usually addressed by clients and other dreamsharers by simply "Damascus."
Luca lives holistically, taking bits from all over the world and incorporating it into her life. She enjoys exercising (but that does not mean she does it a lot) and can defend herself well but does not own a gun. She loves nature and delights being out in it. She may be a bit of a tomboy, but she likes fashion and reading "frivolous chick magazines." Luca loves everything that needs designing- art, clothes, dancing, music, architecture. She falls a bit in love with anyone who has a deep reverence for what they do. Luca absolutely abhors crimes against the "human spirit," and this will cause her to react viciously.

Brief History: As her parents were more or less gypsies in their mode of life, Luca has never had a true home. Although she knows her birthday, she cannot say in which city on the globe she was born. She has spent her entire life in a state of transit- her parents did not like to be tied down. She can, however, say that she changed her last name to "Damascus" after entering the dream business because her parents met in Damascus, Syria.
At the age of five, she developed nightmares. Her father, a welder at the time, fashioned a whistle made of Damascus steel for her with her nickname engraved on it. As he was a deep, dreamy person, her father decided to teach her how to lucid dream and told her to carry the whistle with her in her dreams and blow it to wake up. This was the first time that Luca became interested in dreaming.
After her parents died in an accident, Luca began studies to be an architect and had a brief stint working as a dream architect, but found that she was extremely adept at navigating dreams and rescuing people from their nightmares. She never finished school, leaving college at the age of 19. She currently has no home, living out of one suitcase, her oversized purse, and many hotels; as such, her greatest wish is to have somewhere she can call home.
Luca has never lost her ability to dream, which causes her nightmares and a deep fear of sleeping. Lately, this has affected her health, causing her to be somewhat sleep-deprived.

Again, I hope it's okay to have a person with a different job! =D

inception, i'll just put this here, roleplay

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