Meme! - yeah I'm a sucker for a good one..

Feb 26, 2009 03:15

1. Yourself

2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend:
Yes please?!?

3. Your hair?
In'a ponytail

4. Your mother:
Strange woman..

5. Your Father:
.... B.O.D...

6. Your Favorite Material Item:

7. Your dream last night:
Marching Band and Buffy the Vampire Slayer aka Weird!!!

8. Your Favorite drink:
Cranberry Juice

9. Your Dream Car:
68 Ford Mustang - convertible, mint condition. (black is nice, red is better)

10. The Room You Are In:
Office the basement.

11. Your Ex:
Um, technically I'm not sure I have one.

12. Your fear?

13. Where you want to be in 10 years?

14. Who you hung out with last night?
Sadly, no one - Wednesdays are boring nights for me.

15. What You're Not:
Independently wealthy

16. Your Best Friend:
Had me at hello..*grins*

17. One of Your Wish List Items:

19. The Last Thing You Did:
Answered a pager

20. What You Are Wearing:
Long-sleeve shirt and jeans

21. Your Favorite Weather:
Spring days, with rain

22. Your Favorite Book:
Essential works of Harlan Ellison

23. The Last Thing You ate:
Chocolate covered coffee beans

24. Your Life:
Strangely Satisfying

25. Your Mood:

26. Your body:

27. What are you thinking about right now:
Force Unleashed and how to thwart a death ray

28. Your Crush:
*LAUGHS* Umm. no.

29. What are you doing at the moment:
Working, sorta..

30. Your summer schedule:
Haven't thought that far ahead..


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