Title: Toys
Fandom: House, MD
Characters/Pairing: House, Cameron
housefic50Prompt: 001. Beginnings
Words: 343
Spoilers: None
Rating: PG
A/N: A quick once over was done by
celticfaerie2. Nothing fancy. There is probably so much more I can do with this, so we'll see!
She's sitting in your office when you arrive at 9:17 in the morning. You were never bothered about being on time for things, especially work. You observe her for a few moments from the hallway before pushing open the glass door. Her head turns to look at you, a polite smile is on her face, but you can tell right away that she has been waiting for awhile. You don't say anything as you walk past her, cane punctuating every step you take. She is still staring as you sit down in your chair. Fixing her with a stare of your own, you finally open your mouth to speak.
"Do you know how to make coffee?"
She visibly flinches. This is too easy. The same polite smile from earlier reappears and she nods her head.
"I do." She replies, her voice is soft and a bit uncertain, suspicious of your motives.
You nod. "Good. I'm tired of drinking crap." You are testing her, wondering if she will understand what you are (nonverbally) asking for, or if she will simply ignore you.
"Okay." She crosses her arms and you can tell she is thinking. Yeah, this is definitely too easy. The smile fades into a slight frown, but she doesn't speak.
"Well then." You say, "Go find something to keep yourself busy." You wave your hand dismissively. There is a large stack of unopened mail in a tray behind you which you will probably pawn off on her later. A Nintendo DS appears in your hands and moments later you are furiously pushing buttons, guiding Mario through his dangerous world.
"Don't we have any cases?" She asks. Her voice breaks through your concentration and it instantly irritates you.
"Oh relax! I don't want you jumping off the roof on your first day." Your tone is dry, quick witted, eyes never looking up from the Nintendo screen. A sigh escapes her as she stands and walks into the conference room.
Later, when you begin to smell the aroma of coffee, a smirk crosses your face.