You should read Pike's "Seasons of Passage." I read it a LONG time ago, but I still think about it sometimes. Again it has the sci-fi feel since there's a lot about space exploration and stuff, but it is ALSO about vampires (that's right, vampires on mars!). Anyway, I loved the feeling I got from the book. It too is classified as "young adult," but maybe that's what we are! ~laughs~ Like you said, I didn't see much "teeny" stuff in the book. Even though I read it when I was a teen, it was probably more adult than teen. It's one of his longer books, but I loved it. If I still had it I'd like to reread it. I think I could get more out of it now.
I just added it to my ever-growing list of books that I wish to obtain at some point in my life. Vampires on Mars? Wow that is something I never thought I would hear. ~laughs~ I will have to check it out though. As you have never steered me wrong in the past.
You know ever since I posted this entry earlier today I have been thinking of the ones I read when of his when I was a teen. And it just dawned on me (amusing since I can barely see straight with the migraine I have had since Saturday ~growls~). It was called "Remember Me" about a girl who was murdered and comes back in dreams and etc to I think her brother. As her death was ruled a suicide. There was also a second book that followed that one. I know I read it but can't remember the name or what it was about. I remember the first one being real good. Though like you said about rereading. I would like to and see if my view on it changed over the years.
I just looked it up on Amazon and it looks like the second one was called "Remember Me 2: The Return" He always did have such titles, I think ~laughs~ But I didn't even read that one. I think I read a vampire trilogy of his.. and the one up above, but other than that, I cannot recall any of his I read. I read almost all of R.L. Stein's books when I was young though ~laughs~ Pike was similar but a bit more.. mature, I think. Ahh... the good times.
Oh, and by the way, The Seasons of Passage one I guess was his first attempt at "adult" novels. Again, found that out on Amazon.
Comments 6
You know ever since I posted this entry earlier today I have been thinking of the ones I read when of his when I was a teen. And it just dawned on me (amusing since I can barely see straight with the migraine I have had since Saturday ~growls~). It was called "Remember Me" about a girl who was murdered and comes back in dreams and etc to I think her brother. As her death was ruled a suicide. There was also a second book that followed that one. I know I read it but can't remember the name or what it was about. I remember the first one being real good. Though like you said about rereading. I would like to and see if my view on it changed over the years.
Oh, and by the way, The Seasons of Passage one I guess was his first attempt at "adult" novels. Again, found that out on Amazon.
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