Well, for almost a year now I've been telling some of you that I'd take a picture of my desk. And I had taken a picture, it was just stuck on my camera for a few months. This pic is from when I first set up my desk; it is now rather messy. Also, I have my Ikkaku plushie standing next to my Zaraki plushie. I still have to find a home for my
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Comments 28
Oh, and I've had that pirate song from the Anime Punch OP skit stuck in my head the last few days. :P
BTW, do you have any Ikkaku figures? do they make ikkaku figures. I know you have the plushie.
Well, I better get going. I have to clean the whole house before I leave for California early Sunday.
I don't think they've made any Ikkaku figures yet. I have seen an Ikkaku figure keychain, but that's about it. But if they ever do make an Ikkaku figure, you can be sure that I'll get it! ^_^
Cleaning, it never ends does it?
If I don't talk to you before, have a great trip to CA! ^_^
What's holding me back right now is not lack of will but lack of funds >
And that video was hilarious!
Wow!! What a lot of awesome Bleach stuff! Sadly, I only own 2 Bleach things; a Ichigo chibi keycahin, and a small figure of Ichigo kneeling which has a stamp at the bottom (got them both in Tokyo - the stamp was from one of those 200yen egg capsle machines).
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